Nouns of the third declension Chapter 3 Nouns of the third declension
How do we recognize a noun of the 3rd Declension? The genitive of the noun ending in –is The nominative varies Remember: Genitive of 1st declension: -ae Genitive of 2nd declension: -ī
The Third Declension
Exemplum I: dux, ducis, m. leader Case Singular Plural Nominative dux ducēs Genitive ducis ducum Dative duci ducibus Accusative ducem Ablative duce
Exemplum II: soror, sororis, f. sister Case Singular Plural Nominative soror sororēs Genitive sororis sororum Dative sorori sororibus Accusative sororem Ablative sorore
Try it! Decline the following: lēx, legis, f. law rēx, regis, m. king
Cantemus! Follow the Lyrical Latin worksheet for the following activity:
3rd Declension Nouns: Masculine or Feminine Masculine Only Feminine Only pater, patris, m. “father” frater, fratris, m. “brother” rex, regis, m. “king” dux, ducis, m. “leader” miles, militis, m. “soldier” victor, victoris, m. “victor” dens, dentis, m. “tooth” mons, montis, m. “mountain” fons, fontis, m. “spring” pons, pontis, m. “bridge” mater, matris, f. “mother” soror, sororis, f. “sister” arx, arcis, f. “citadel” lex, legis, f. “law” urbs, urbis, f. “city” navis, navis, f. “ship” pars, partis, f. “part” condicio, condicionis, f. “condition” claritas, claritatis, f. “clarity; fame”
3rd Declension Nouns: Masculine and Feminine hostis, hostis, mf. “enemy” parens, parentis, mf. “parent”
Practice Decline the following 3rd Declension nouns: hostis, hostis, mf “enemy” arx, arcis, f. “citadel”