Latin Root Translation Example cumulus heap fair weather cumulus


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Presentation transcript:

Latin Root Translation Example cumulus heap fair weather cumulus Get off of my cloud!!! Latin Root Translation Example cumulus heap fair weather cumulus stratus layer altostratus cirrus curl of hair cirrus nimbus rain cumulonimbus Classifications Types High-Level Clouds cirrus and cirrostratus Mid-Level Clouds altocumulus, altostratus Low-Level Clouds nimbostratus and stratocumulus Clouds with Vertical Development fair weather cumulus,cumulonimbus Other Cloud Types contrails, billow clouds, mammatus, orographic and pileus clouds

High-Level Clouds Cirrostratus Cirrus sheet-like, high-level clouds composed of ice crystals can cover the entire sky and be up to several thousand feet thick relatively transparent form when a broad layer of air is lifted by large-scale convergence Cirrus thin and wispy found at heights greater than 20,000 feet (6,000 meters) - most common composed of ice crystals occur in fair weather point in the direction of air movement at their elevation

appear as parallel bands or rounded masses Mid-Level Clouds Altocumulus appear as parallel bands or rounded masses partly shaded, distinguishs from the high-level cirrocumulus form by convection in an unstable layer resulting from the gradual lifting of air in advance of a cold front The presence of altocumulus clouds on a warm and humid summer morning is commonly followed by thunderstorms later in the day.

Low-Level Clouds Nimbostratus Stratocumulus dark, low-level clouds accompanied by light to moderately falling precipitation bases lie below 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) primarily composed of water droplets when temperatures are cold enough, contain ice particles and snow Stratocumulus low, lumpy layer of clouds sometimes accompanied by weak precipitation vary in color from dark gray to light gray may appear as rounded masses, rolls, etc., with breaks of clear sky in between

Clouds with Vertical Development Fair weather cumulus appearance of floating cotton have a lifetime of 5-40 minutes flat bases and distinct outlines fair weather cumulus exhibit only slight vertical growth the cloud tops designate the limit of the rising air *** can develop into towering cumulonimbus clouds associated with powerful thunderstorms Cumulonimbus clouds much larger and more vertically developed can exist as individual towers or form a line of towers called a squall line fueled by strong convective updrafts (sometimes in excess 50 knots) the tops can easily reach 39,000 feet (12,000 meters) or higher

Other Cloud Types Contrails cold temperatures freeze water droplets in seconds the injection of water vapor by exhaust fumes from a jet engine Watch