Kingdoms & Domains
The Three Domains
The Six Kingdoms Protists Fungi Plants Bacteria Animals Archaea
How are organism placed into their kingdoms? · Cell type: complex or simple · Their ability to make food · The number of cells in their body
PROTISTA The name Protista means "the very first“ Biological Junk Drawer The name Protista means "the very first“ - these organisms have had long independent evolutionary histories Genome analysis also shows that many of the groups placed in the Protista are not at all closely related to one another
Characteristics Eukaryotic because they all have nucleus Multicellular OR Unicellular (mostly found in pond water)
Plant-like Protists Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Eugelnoids, Algae Make their own food by photosynthesis Some consume other organisms in the absence of light Some live within other organisms as symbionts
Animal-like Protists Amoebas, Ciliates, Flagellates Consume other organisms for food Many are parasites, taking nutrients from the organism in which they live in Ex. Plasmodium living in the liver and red blood cells and causes malaria
Fungus-like Protists Slime molds, Water molds Absorb nutrients from living and dead organisms, and wastes Produce spores
Reproduction Asexual Methods: Binary Fission, Producing spores Sexual Method: Meiosis Both Method: Conjugation
Diversity of Protists