Welcome to Honors Biology Class Ms. Allan Howard High Back to School Night
Course Overview: Unit Topics Unit 1 -Chemistry of Life Unit 2 - Cells and Homeostasis Unit 3 - DNA and Genetics Unit 4 - Evolution and Biodiversity Unit 5 - Ecology
“Dragonfly” Textbook To be kept at home
Biology is an assessed course… Comprehensive High School State Assessment (HSA) exam during the 4th quarter, and a passing grade is required for graduation.
What we do in class to prepare… Practice BCR writing and techniques Sample questions from past exams as drills and wrap-up activities
What does a class look like? Daily Procedures… Drill: recaps previously learned information or probes prior knowledge on a new topic Activity: self-guided activity, lab, class discussions, explanations Wrap-up reviews the topics covered in the day’s lesson
Homework Policy… Follows Howard High’s homework policy… Students have one day to turn in late work for ½ credit. No credit for any work turned in past that time. Homework should be turned In at the beginning of class.
Classwork Policy… Students have one day to turn in late work for ½ credit. No credit for any work turned in past that time. Classwork should be turned In at the beginning of class.
Lab Work Students must wear goggles in lab at all times and wear closed-toed shoes. Your student’s safety is my first priority when we work in lab.
Grading Tests/quizzes 40% Laboratory exercises 20% Classwork 20% Projects 10% Homework 10%
Times available to meet… Before school and after school by appointment
Contact Information… Rita_allan@hcpss.org http://rallanwebpage.weebly.com/ 410-313-2867 Room B201 Thank you for coming!