Welcome to Health Mrs. Kuharic
WHO am I?
Always stay informed @ PE_BHS www. bhshealthpe.weebly.com
Class Expectations Arrive on time. Be prepared. All school policies are enforced in this classroom. Appropriate language. RESEPCT Yourself. Peers. Teacher. Materials. One ear bud during NON-instructional time. Cell phones are not to be visible. Warning 1 – verbal Warning 2 – goes on my desk Warning 3 – goes to the office, with a discipline write up.
Grading Notebook checks Homework/Projects Quizzes – weekly Midterm and Final Exams REMEMBER – Unexcused absence results in a zero on grading days (quiz, test, notebook check)
30 second Speeches What’s your name? Hobbies? Siblings? Vacation over the summer? Interesting fact about yourself?