Departmental Behaviour Policy Computing
Rules in a Computing Room On arrival: Queue quietly and sensibly in single-file outside the room Make sure your uniform is perfect before you enter the room Enter the room when asked quietly & sensibly Bags to be put neatly under the table If there is a starter activity on the whiteboard then do it
Rules in a Computing Room During the lesson If the teacher starts talking turn off monitors and listen in silence Do not go ‘off-task’. This includes: Games Email Taking out phones unless the lesson requires it Listening to music unless the lesson requires it Work that is not what you have been told to do Do not attempt to get around the school’s ICT policy Keep hands and feet to yourself Do not touch anyone else’s computer Do not touch the cables / ports of any computer Do not plug anything into the computers unless you have permission No eating or drinking anywhere in the room Work quietly and sensibly Do not get out of your seat unless asked to do so No intolerant or offensive comments of any kind
Rules in a Computing Room On leaving: Save all work and log off your computer Put your chair neatly under the table Stand quietly and sensibly behind your computer Make sure you have all bags, memory-sticks etc. Make sure your uniform is perfect Quietly & sensibly exit the room when asked
Lesson Behaviour 1st Warning: Verbal warning - Teacher puts name on board. 2nd Warning: Verbal warning - Teacher puts name on board. If it is felt that a student would benefit from moving seats then this would be done at this stage. If there is no further misbehaviour for the remainder of the lesson these warnings are erased and no further record is made 3rd Warning: Verbal warning & Yellow Card issued, other intervention might be necessary e.g. phone call home / writing in planner etc. 4th Warning: Removed from lesson & sent to Hub. Red Card issued & further intervention as necessary e.g. Detention/ Phone-call home / Letter Home etc.
Homework If deadline missed - 24 hours to turn it around If still not handed in - Yellow Card Persistently missed homework deadlines – Intervention by HOD & Red Card & further intervention as necessary (Detention/ Phone-call home / Letter Home etc.) If no improvement referred to HOY & further intervention taken
Intervention For persistently underperforming students Communication with Parents Communication with Form Tutor Communication with HOY Homework Targets Homework Club
Praise Commendations – in diary (House System) Commendation Cards Verbal praise Departmental – Stars, letters, phone-call / email home