Standard USHC-7: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of World War II on the United States and the nation’s subsequent role in the world. USHC-7.6 Analyze the causes and consequences of social and cultural changes in postwar America, including educational programs, the consumer culture and expanding suburbanization, the advances in medical and agricultural technology that led to changes in the standard of living and demographic patterns, and the roles of women in American society.
Family Dinner: go to https://www. youtube. com/watch Family Dinner: go to (if the hyperlink doesn’t work) I Love Lucy: go to (if the hyperlink doesn’t work)
In 1948, Harry Truman shocked the nation by winning the presidential election He used his inaugural speech to his “Fair Deal” Called for vast social reforms Extended Social Security benefits, increased the minimum wage, and appropriated funds for the construction of low-income housing
Causes of Suburbanization: Returning veterans who married and began families The “baby boom” of the 1940’s and 1950’s The emergence of a new middle class The wide availability of the automobile and the expansion of highways Population shifts in the American cities and the “white flight” “White flight”: whites leaving cities as the minority population increases
Baby Boom
Congress passed the “GI Bill of Rights” (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act) to help assimilate returning war veterans back into US society Provided military veterans with benefits such as job priority, money for furthering their education, training, and loans for purchasing homes and property The GI Bill had a lasting effect on education Most African Americans did not enroll in college after the war
The Cold War also impacted education In 1958, Congress passed the National Defense Education Act This law provided aid for education and was geared towards boosting the study of science, math and foreign languages
The nation became a consumer society again in the late 40’s into the 50’s Sewing machines, washing machines, refrigerators, and a new invention: the television The automobile industry also boomed
Advertisements once again made people feel like they needed certain products Many efforts of advertisers were geared towards housewives
The post-war era saw a revival of religion The Cold War: Soviet communism advocated atheism (not believing in God) Many see it as “only American” to be religious In 1954 Congress voted to add the phrase “One Nation under God” to the Pledge A year later Congress made the phrase “In God We Trust” mandatory on all US currency