Third Grade Newsletter F.E. Burleson Elementary School Embracing Tradition...Investing in Excellence Aug. 28- Sept. 1 CLASSROOM STUDIES READING: Kumak’s Fish -Comprehension Skills: Sequence and Visualize -Vocabulary Words: gear, parka, splendid, twitch, willow, yanked -Phonics: Base words and Endings –ed, -ing, -er, -est MATH: Chapter 1-Addition and Subtraction within 1,000 LANGUAGE: Declarative and Interrogative Sentences WRITING: Class Mission Statement/ Individual Goals SOCIAL STUDIES: Maps HOMEWORK/TEST MONDAY–Subtraction Fluency Side 1&2 -Fluency Passage TUESDAY–Subtraction Fluency Side 3 WEDNESDAY –Subtraction Fluency Side 4 THURSDAY-Subtraction Fluency Quiz -Fluency Passage/Questions FRIDAY- Language, Chapter 1 Math, and Reading Tests -Turn in Fluency Passage Read each night!!!! -Sept. 1st-Book Project Approval -Sept. 4th-No School (Labor Day) -Sept. 14th-Progress Reports go home -Sept. 14th-Open House/STEM Night -Sept. 15th-Fall Pictures -Sept. 20th-Early Release (11:45) -Sept. 22nd-Book Project Due -Sept. 29th-World Milk Day/Farm Day Book Project Book Project information is in your child's Tiger Binder. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE! It contains a rubric with which the project will be graded, sign up sheet, the genres, and the instructions for projects. Each nine weeks the project and the genre must be different and has to be approved by the parent and teacher. Your child will color in (see instructions) the genre and project selected, then the parent will write the title and initial giving your permission for that project. When approved the teacher will initial. The first project needs to be approved by September 1, 2017. Extra credit will be given for projects completed before the due date of September 22, 2017. Please see your reading teacher with any questions. Open House/STEM Night September 14, 2017 @ 6:00pm Remember to read every day!!