Welcome Wolfcubs and Parents 2017-2018
Team 1 Mrs. Bridges Mrs. Johnson Meet the teachers Team 1 Mrs. Bridges Mrs. Johnson Team 2 Ms. Moss Mrs. Cole
Morning Assembly Morning assembly begins at 7:45. This is a time for our school to come together as a community. Mrs. French and Mrs. Gaines recognize all student birthdays as well as student achievements. Each week there is a new character trait that is introduced and explained. One student is chosen from each homeroom class who has consistently demonstrated the character trait. That student is recognized on Fridays as being a leader for that trait.
Webpage Calendar Special Events The following items are located on our webpage: Calendar Special Events Please make sure you review the Mason Creek student handbook Handbook
Agendas Homework Sign nightly Communication
Behavior Classroom rules and procedures TAME – blue tile, arms by your side, mouth closed, eyes facing forward. Students are expected to walk silently to specials, lunch, and recess Cafeteria- students are expected to use excellent manners and eat silently when music is on
Behavior Clip system Your child is working within a color system where students move a clip when positive or negative behavior choices impact their learning or the learning of others. Every child starts on green which means they are ready to learn. Red- 3rd Offense- Parent Contact/3 chronic reds will result in an office referral. Notes are written in agendas when students reach yellow, orange, or red.
Testing Common District assessments (quarterly CDA) Subject area quizzes Aimsweb- 3x a year (math and Reading) Progress monitoring monthly/Agenda
Goals Your child should have mastered all 600 sight words in 1st grade. If they did not meet their goal, continue to practice them nightly at home. Sight words are crucial to fluent reading. The end of the 2nd grade reading goal is 92 WPM. It is also important to work on math fact fluency. By the end of the year, 2nd graders will be able to do 50 mixed addition and subtraction problems in 5 minutes and perform at 98% mastery.
Grades 1 grade taken per subject per week No retakes Make-up work within three days
15 minutes of nightly reading Homework Weekly math sheet Daily fact practice flash cards Xtramath.com 15 minutes of nightly reading AR books Magazines Study weekly spelling words/complete 5 spelling menu activities Spelling test every other Friday
Accelerated Reading Reading folder with log-80% or higher Individualized goals based on current data Every 9 weeks- grade (mastery of goal and average) Sign up for notifications when your child has taken a quiz
Education Galaxy math, reading, and language arts practice students will have a learning path based on their diagnostic assessment will be used as at-home practice and classroom practice http://educationgalaxy.com/ Sign-in is your child’s initials and lunch number Password is birthdate (minus zero at the beginning)
Looking ahead with STEM Stem- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics Stem days on ½ days and integrated with units Project lead the way- an approach to stem education developed with activities, projects, and problem-based experiences relevant to the lives and future careers of students Defined stem- project based, real-world application combined with technology and creativity STEMscopes-hands-on activities that include the 5E’s and C-E-R