Postwar Boom Blog First, we will go through our character creation activity to get a character and their perspective. Today you should write down all important information about that person.
Partnering Now that you’ve created a character, we will partner up randomly. Once you have sat down with your partner, take turns explaining who your character is, what are some important things to know about them, etc.
Writing Your objective: Create a two-person dialogue on your blog between both characters Each person will write two separate “letters” to the other person The dialogue should be a conversation between the two people, sharing their thoughts, agreements, disagreements, observations, etc., to the other person
Perspective Most important: I will look to see that your person’s perspective comes through in their dialogue. For instance, how would the concerns of these people differ after World War II? A member of the armed forces coming home A woman who has worked in war industries and now is starting a family A child growing up in the 1950s A black American who notices inequality in America