You have been bullied or harassed BE ASSERTIVE Calmly and confidently ask the bully to stop NARRABEEN SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL ANTI BULLYING PLAN Student Responsibilities 1 SEEK TEACHER SUPPORT Tell a teacher you trust about the incident. You may be asked to complete an incident report. Your support teacher will need to inform your Year Adviser. 2 RESTORE JUSTICE To help promote positive behaviours at our school, you may be invited to participate in a mediation process conducted by the Deputy Principal. 3 If the bullying continues, please notify the same support teacher as soon as possible.
A teacher has witnessed a bullying incident WITNESSES Ask individuals who were involved in the incident to provide statements. YEAR ADVISER Provide Year Adviser with a brief description of incident and relevant witness statements RISC Record details of incident on RISC including actions taken by teacher DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Notify Deputy Principal via (C Date: 7, 9, 11; L Peacock: 8, 10, 12) of incident and actions taken DIFFUSE Take proactive measures to diffuse situation PROMOTE Use PBEL terminology to describe positive behaviours INTERVENTION NARRABEEN SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL ANTI BULLYING PLAN Teacher Responsibilities REPORT Continue to promote positive behaviours and be vigilant of future incidents MONITORING 1 2
A teacher has reported a bullying incident DEPUTY PRINCIPAL If a pattern of bullying behaviour is evident, report ASAP to Deputy Principal ANTI RACISM If bullying incident involves racism, notify school Anti- Racism Officer (N Job) ANTI DISCRIMINATION If bullying incident involves discrimination, notify school Anti-Discrimination Officer (R Kiprioti) COUNSELLOR If there are any other welfare issues, notify School Counsellor (S Blunsden) COMMUNICATE Speak to students involved and identify any welfare concerns RESTORE JUSTICE Use PBL Reflection sheet to work towards recognition and apology MONITOR Record details of bullying incidents to identify any patterns of behaviour STUDENT WELBEING NARRABEEN SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL ANTI BULLYING PLAN Year Adviser Responsibilities REFERAL Continue to promote positive behaviours and be vigilant of future incidents MONITORING 1 2 3
A teacher or Year Adviser has reported a bullying incident LEVEL III If a student persistently engages in bullying behaviour issue a Level III SUSPENSION If a student is unsuccessful in meeting the terms of Level III placement, issue a Suspension PARENTS Notify parents of incident/s, patterns of behaviour and actions taken to address behaviour SUPPORT SERVICES Upon return from suspension, arrange relevant support services for students RISC Review RISC records for an overview of incident STATEMENTS Review witness statements. Discuss incident/s with relevant Teachers and Year Adviser INTERVIEW If a pattern of bullying behaviour is evident, interview students COLLECT INFORMATION NARRABEEN SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL ANTI BULLYING PLAN Deputy Principal Responsibilities RESTORE JUSTICE Continue to promote positive behaviours and be vigilant of future incidents MONITORING 1 2 3