Cert HE delivery:
Jayne Hunt
Evolution… how did it come about? First Campus- Family Liaison Officer Family Learning Projects Children learn along side their parents Aimed at Community First Areas
Why? Breaking down family perceptual barriers to HE Including the young learners Protecting their comfort zone by taking learning to their communities
Wales-National Sport-Rugby-Newport= Newport Gwent Dragons
How did it work? 12 week accredited course in Health & Lifestyles-for adults Children had a less formal but still educational experience including: Skills sessions Interview techniques Site tours-history of Dragons Sat on some of the formal lectures e.g. nutritionist
Impact… some of the comments made at the time I was having huge problems with Peter*, doing something as a family was really important...learning a new way of keeping fit within the rugby sector was ideal as we love the sport, the course helped Peter* to focus and channel his energies- he is now planning on joining the army
Impact continued… it encouraged Katie* to mix with other children and exercise, this meant so much to me as she was being bullied about her weight... It gave her confidence and she really enjoyed it. (Parent) I learned a great deal about healthy eating and how to combine this with fitness and use them both in everyday life. (Parent)
Impact continued… One of the children said: I like the course because its fun and you learn a lot about rugby and the adults learn about healthy eating. At the end of the course the children get to meet some of the dragons rugby players and that is quite exciting. It is really fun because we play outside and inside and you get a tour around the buildings there.
Impact continued… My Grandson was premature and always lacked in co-ordination, this course has improved his co-ordination so much he has now joined the under 9s rugby club- something he never would have done before!It has boosted his confidence no end I cant thank you enough. (Grandmother)
Future scope… Newport Gwent Dragons Summer School 2010 with UWN and First Campus Possible Summer School exchange with Limerick University and Munster Use this model for other areas Other sports-football, cricket, tennis, etc? Such as Environmental projects- PRUNE Any ideas?