Discussion session LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado. Director: Dan Baker IUGG - the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics - one of the 27 Scientific Unions of the International Council for Science. IAGA - the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - one of the 7 Scientific Associations of IUGG. eGY arose from a call by IUGG for initiatives in 2007-2008 to mark the 50-year anniversary of IGY. eGY was proposed by IAGA as a logical extension of the IGY goal of meeting geoscience data and information needs. eGY is planned as a short burst of activity to boost cooperation, uptake, and implementation of a 21st Century approach to data and information management. Decisions about what aspects of eGY merit continuation will be made at the official end of the program in December 2008.
eGY general meeting 2008 Need? Location? Boulder or EU…? Format - similar to 2006/7? Alexei - yes JoAnn - yes Charlie - naaaah (what’s left to decide, organize?) Remainder - yes. We will have one. Prelude to CODATA TASK group activity @Kiev eGY conference at end of 2008/start of 2009? ICSU GA in 2008 Mozambique
NAS Dan - revive the ‘CODMAC’ (under space studies board) to parallel the existing committee in the earth science (CGED under board of … at NAS, Jeff Dozier) Congress needs a place to go to get the broadest and deepest advice on data issues eGY should think about the role to play, resolution? Generic statement in minutes of this meeting - role of national committees is recognized way of achieving eGY objective? US National Committee of CODATA (Sara Graves - member of exec) Parallels in EU, ROTW? Society role (e.g. AGU/ESSI)
Strategic Summary, Msg, Rec. Recommendations about future of WDC, as input to two WDC meetings OCI - Task force on sustainability for DL, eGY contribute to that activity - dealing with organizational, technical
Engaging communities Geo-SML? (ESIP effort for ESS-DO and -SO; Datatype Ontology and Service Ontology) GeoSciML - Are we reaching all areas of Earth and Space Science - no, but Individuals are being engaged but are their organizations? How to do that? GEO-Unions - formalizing that there is a future, how to get them to do things? Tell them what we want! Propose projects…
Funding strategies EU/FP7? Other agencies? Do we need a proposal for viable underpinning Meeting specific funding is viable, ~ 6mo lead (e.g. NASA, NSF, US$20K) How to fund individuals (eGY) to participate in meetings? OISE@NSF US participation in overseas special purpose meetings Visible presence and participation is very important ID larger meetings to attach to (as a fund-leverage mechanism)
What could eGY’s legacy be? Resolutions and/or manifestos Effective change or sustainability in ongoing or emerging efforts (best prac., VOs, edu, knowl, data preserv….) What do we want to achieve
Exit strategy A home for eGY after 2008? Or many homes for parts of eGY? Do we know yet? What are the candidate organizations?
Summit/Forum??? Pre-meetings at Fall AGU 2007, IGC Oslo, Aug. 2008? Separate Celimontana-type meeting, March 2008? Goals: Promote the exchange of awareness of diverse geoinf efforts that are accelerating Prepare Terms of Reference: and ‘translations’ to communities where different/alternate terms are used Outcome: prepare document, proclaimation, declaration, resolution??? Address a targeted question to bridge science/policy with informatics and data principles Audience: people who are near or at the top of national comm. Chairs, society divisions (running a geoinf program), GxOS? Side event at GEO/Ministerial mtg (Nov.30 - Cape Town)?? Legacy - initial by invite and yearly thereafter… GEO and WGISS - interested and a good idea but build constituency regularly and asap as a lead up, space at GEO for booth/demo (sponsored by participating org or nation, eGY is observer) 3 items (in order) Terms of reference (Charlie, Peter, Kathy) Constituency building When/where/who to hold it legacy
Interested in Getting Involved? www.egy.org Welcome to eGY Take advantage of eGY and the 50-year anniversary of IGY Visit the eGY website Subscribe to eGY News and use it to inform and be informed Subscribe to the three-tiered email list server (choose the level of detail of communications that suits you) Become a signatory to the eGY Declaration Contact Bill to discuss your interests We provide a list of suggested actions for eGY participants. THANK YOU Submit an abstract/paper for a coming meeting Help convene a session Contact: pfox@ucar.edu