Malcolm Collin-Sibley Mentor: Shervin Ardeshir REU Week v Malcolm Collin-Sibley Mentor: Shervin Ardeshir
Goals from last week Tuning building projections in terms of height. Generating KML/KMZ files from google earth containing GPS locations of different buildings/roads Fusion between building projection and super-pixilation First with binary mapping Initial fusion results (Belief Propagation) Run that fusion on the data set
Completed work Height Tuning Pre Tuning Post Tuning
Completed work Height Tuning Pre Tuning Post Tuning
Completed work Fusion – Propagation
Completed Work Fusion – Propagation, Post Height tuning
Completed Work Fusion – Propagation, Post Height tuning
Completed work Addresses url =,-77.0298&sensor=true
Completed work Addresses
Completed work Addresses
Completed work Addresses
Completed work Addresses
Completed work Addresses
Completed work Addresses
Current work Street Projection
Current work Street Projection
The next step Creating a grid of points overlaid to the map Extracting labels of the streets for each point in the grid Identifying the segments belonging to the streets by projection points of the grid from top view Defining a confidence score for each of the labelled buildings based on color consistency