Session 1b Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Overview Spreadsheet Conventions QAT and Ribbon Copying, Pasting, Reporting Introduction to Solver Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Spreadsheet Conventions Basic Idea: Customer-friendly Easy to Read Easy to Audit Easy to Adapt “Parameterization” “Dragability” Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Spreadsheet Conventions Clear, logical layout Separation across multiple sections and/or worksheets Clear headings for inputs, decision variables, and outputs Formatting for user clarity Text boxes and cell comments Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Written Reports 0. Conclusions and Recommendations Done last, appears first 1. Managerial Problem Definition 2. Formulation 3. Solution Methodology 4. Discussion? Appendices? Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Written Reports Minimal Raw Spreadsheet Elements i. e. none Graphical Communication Equation Editor Charts, Graphs Spreadsheet Captures Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Spreadsheet Productivity Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) What is it? How to modify the QAT The Ribbon Tabs, Groups, Commands Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Managerial Spreadsheet Modeling -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) Located at the very top left of Excel. Always visible; good place for commonly used commands. Print, formatting, zoom, etc. Advice: Add commands from tabs besides Home. Or add more commands, and minimize the entire ribbon. Many useful commands are not on the ribbon at all. The only way to access them is by adding them to the QAT. Examples: Open Recent File Quick Print Insert Chart Camera Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Modifying the QAT Other useful commands may be located on ribbon tabs that you wouldn’t otherwise use. Save As (File Tab) Change Shape (Drawing Tools | Format Tab) Crop (Picture Tools | Format Tab) To customize: File | Options | Quick Access Toolbar, OR Drop-down menu on the QAT You could move the QAT below the ribbon, but that would just take up an extra line. Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Modifying the QAT Choose the command at the left, and click Add >> to add it to the QAT. Or choose a command on the right, and click << Remove to remove it. To group similar commands Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Modifying the QAT Use the dropdown box to focus in on the particular category of commands you’re interested in. Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Customizing the Ribbon Can add or delete groups of commands from the existing tabs in the ribbon, or add new tabs. Nomenclature: Tabs (the File tab acts differently) Commands within the Sparklines group Groups within the Insert tab Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Ribbon Customization Options Add new customized tabs. Resequence, rename, delete, or hide any tabs. Add new customized groups to any tab. Copy existing groups from one tab to another. Resequence, rename or delete groups within a tab. Add any command to any customized group. Unavailable Options: Add or delete commands from any existing group. Construct stacked commands Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran How to Customize the Ribbon File | Options | Customize Ribbon Show or hide tabs Resequence tabs or groups Current tab, or everything Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Adding Commands to a Custom Group Add a new tab, or add a new group within an existing tab. Choose “Popular Commands” or “Commands Not in the Ribbon” from the “Choose command from” dropdown box at the left. Select the command you want to add to the new group, and click on the Add >> button in the middle. Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Adding a Group to Another Tab Choose “Main Tabs” in the left dropdown box, and choose a main tab on the right dropdown box. Select the group you want to transfer, and click the Add >> button. To remove tabs, groups, or commands from new customized groups, just select it on the right and click the << Remove button. Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Malcolm’s Glass Shop Optimization Example: Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Managerial Problem Definition Malcolm owns a glass-molding machine capable of producing two products: six-ounce juice glasses and ten-ounce cocktail glasses. He needs to decide how many of each product he ought to make each week in order to make the greatest profit. He is limited by the production rate of the machine, demand for one of the products, and storage space. Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Formulation Decision variables: How many to produce of two products. Objective: Maximize Profit. Constraints: The molding machine can only produce so many glasses in a week. There is a market limit for 6-oz glasses. There is a limit on storage space. Malcolm can’t make negative amounts of either product. Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Formulation Maximize Profit from 6 - oz glasses + Profit from 10 - oz glasses Subject to: Molding Machine capacity used for 6 - oz <= Total Molding capacity + Molding Machine capacity used for 10 - oz 6 - oz glasses produced <= Total Demand for 6 - oz glasses Stora ge Space used for 6 - oz <= Total Storage Space + Storage Space used for 10 - oz 6 - oz glasses produced >= 0 10 - oz glasses produced >= 0 Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Formulation Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Formulation Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Solution Methodology Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Solver Dialog Box Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Solver Answer Report Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Communicating Graphically Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Enhancing Charts Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Enhancing Charts Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Conclusions and Recommendations Make 642 cases of 6-oz glasses and 428 cases of 10-oz glasses. Earn $5,143 profit. Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran
Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Summary Spreadsheet Conventions QAT and Ribbon Copying, Pasting, Reporting Introduction to Solver Decision Models -- Prof. Juran Decision Models -- Prof. Juran