Chapter 7 Packing of goods


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Subject Matter: Description, Quality, Quantity and Packing
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Section C Placing Orders. Order Order form (订货单)也叫 “ 订单 ” 或 “ 定单 ” ,是国 际贸易中买方向卖方提出的订购货物的购货单。它实 际上是一项询盘( inquiry ),卖方收到订单后,向买 方发盘,如果买方接受,交易便达成。 订货单一般由以下要素构成:
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用 9 加几解决问题 北京小学 石 颖 第八单元 20 以内的进位加法. 一、口算练习,复习旧知 9+5 = 9+7 = 109 快来算一算! 我们一起看算式,抢答结果,看谁算得又对又快! 说一说你是怎么计算 9+5 这道题的。 2+9 = 5+9 =
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Lesson 6 Packing Foreign Languages College Spoken English for International Business.
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A. Using ‘some’ and ‘any’. I need to buy some Christmas presents.
International Sales Contract Law ---- Passing of Property 1 Common Law Sales of Goods Act of the U. K. 1.1 Specific Goods Specific goods are goods identified.
SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
Unit 8 Packing  Introduction  Words and Expressions  Specimen letters  Useful sentences  Exercises.
思考:物质由哪些微粒构成? 思考:物质由哪些微粒构成? 仅仅是只由分子原子构成的吗?有没有其它的 微粒? 仅仅是只由分子原子构成的吗?有没有其它的 微粒? 原子 原子核 ( + ) ( + ) 质子( + ) 中子 核外电子( – ) H 、 C 、 O 、 Na 、 S 这五种元素的原子核外各有.
Chapter 6: Packing of Goods 商品的包装. sectionA: types of Packing sectionB: various kinds of marks sectionC: Packing Clause in the Sales Contract.
LESSON 9 PACKAGING 包装. AIMS AND REQUIREMENTS  To know the most generally used ways of packing;  To master the usual expressions of packing requirements;
老虎机怎么玩. 如果你从未开设账户开户彩金在网 上赌场, 老虎机, 扑克室或体育帐户 ,你可能会怀疑这个提议是否合法 。 我们都知道这句话的智慧,如果 一个提案听起来不错,那么它可能 是 “ 或者没有免费的午餐 ” 。 投注返水所以有什么问题? 当赌场 为您提供 100 到 1,000 美元的免费资.
Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7 Packing of goods Introduction Types of Packing Marking of Goods Neutral Packing Packing Clause in the Contract Case Study 2019/1/2

General review of packing Packing is to wrap the goods in certain container to protect it from damage or to make it look attractive. Packing and marking are matters of great importance especially in overseas trade where goods are exposed to greater risks than in land or air transport. 2019/1/2

Most goods are packed in cases or chests(箱, 柜, 盒, 匣) Most goods are packed in cases or chests(箱, 柜, 盒, 匣) . Vegetables and fruit are sent in baskets or crates板条箱: flour in sacks麻布袋, cotton and wool in bales包, coffee and rice in bags袋. Bottled liquid e. g. wine or spirits are sent in boxes or cases lined with内衬 straw. Wine is often transported in jars广口瓶. 2019/1/2

Tea is carried in zinc-lined内衬锌 chests Tea is carried in zinc-lined内衬锌 chests. Other liquids mainly oil are sent in drums, tanks(盛液体或气体的)大容器; 桶, 罐, 槽, 箱, 柜(如煤气罐, 汽车、飞机的油箱) , barrels大桶,圆桶 or in bottles. Large quantities of butter are sent in tubs桶 . Coal, ore, sand and timber are usually packed in simple bundles and carried in open trucks. 2019/1/2

Function of packing Packing not only serves as a form of protection, but also facilitates loading, unloading and stowage, and prevents pilferage. Furthermore, it can promote sales. 2019/1/2

1. Introduction Importance Features of Packing Appearance of Packing 2019/1/2

Packing should be designed to suit shipping requirements. 1.1 Importance The buyer is under certain conditions entitled to reject the goods if not packed with his instruction or provisions agreed upon Packing should be designed to suit shipping requirements. Packing should conform to 符合 the regulations in the country of destination. 2019/1/2

1.2 Features of Packing Packing includes outer packing and inner packing. beautiful and durable easy to handle well suited for long distance shipment waterproof/shake-proof 防震, 抗震 standardized 2019/1/2

1.3 Appearance of Inner Packing be modern be small and exquisite 精致的 look attractive be suitable for window display facilitate marketing in supermarket 2019/1/2

2. Types of Packing Kinds of Cargoes Shipping Packing Marketing Packing 2019/1/2

2.1 Kinds of Cargoes Bulk Cargo (散装货物) Nude Cargo(裸装货物) Packed Cargo(包装货物) 2019/1/2

2.1.1 Bulk Cargo Def refer to those goods which are shipped or even sold without packages on the conveyance in bulk. Examples Oil Ore grain coal,etc. 2019/1/2

2.1.2 Nude Cargo Def refer to those goods whose qualities are more stable, difficult to be packed or do not need packing. Example such as steel products, metal ingot, timber, rubber, etc. 2019/1/2

2.1.3 Packed Cargo Def refer to those goods which need certain degree of packing during the shipping, storing and sales process. Example Most household consumer goods, TV set etc. 2019/1/2

2.2 Shipping Packing Def: Types of Shipping Packing Shipping packing is also called big packing or outside packing, or outer packing or giant packing. Types of Shipping Packing Single Piece Packing(单件运输包装) Collective Packing(集合运输包装) 2019/1/2

2.2.1 Single Piece Packing Def: Types of Single Piece Packing The cargoes are packed as a single unit Types of Single Piece Packing According to style: Cases, drums, bag, bales, bundles,etc. According the material: Cartons, wooden cases, iron drums, wooden casks, plastic casks, paper bags, gunny bags,etc. 2019/1/2

2.2.2 Collective Packing Def Also called group shipping packing by which a certain number of single pieces are grouped together to form a big packing or packed in a big container. Types of Collective Packing Container 20ft & 40 ft Pallet:托盘 flexible container集装袋 1~4 M/T; 13 M/T (Max) 2019/1/2

2.3 Marketing Packing Patterns for Display and Sale Patterns for Identification of the Goods Packaging and Description 2019/1/2

2.3.1 Patterns for Display and Sale piling-up pattern(堆叠式包装) hanging-up pattern(挂式包装) spreading-up pattern(展开式包装) 2019/1/2

2.3.2 Patterns for Identification of the Goods pattern for carrying about(携带式包装) pattern for easily opening(易开包装) pattern for forming a complete set(配套包装) pattern for showing off a gift(礼品包装) Transparent pattern(透明包装) window pattern(开窗包装) customary pattern(习惯性包装) 2019/1/2

2.3.3 Packaging and Description pattern color Description(文字说明) name of good brand Quality Specification Usage composition, etc. 2019/1/2

3. Marking of Goods Shipping Mark Indicative Mark Warning Mark 2019/1/2

Marking of goods to avoid confusion, delay and miscarriage, the individual cases must be clearly marked and numbered. The marking usually consists of the name of destination and the initials of person or firm to whom the goods are sent. 23 2019/1/2

3.1 Shipping Mark Shipping marks are marks of simple designs, some letters, numbers and simple words on packages, often stenciled (用蜡纸印, 用模版印刷) , that serve as identification of the consignment to which they belong. 2019/1/2

1) The buyer’s initials, or abbreviated name 2) A reference number The international bodies under the auspices主办 of the United Nations,strongly recommend that all the member countries should adopt the ‘simpler mark’, which is made up of the following four parts: 1) The buyer’s initials, or abbreviated name 2) A reference number 3) A destination 4) A package number 2019/1/2

Illustration of a shipping mark 2019/1/2 Illustration of a shipping mark The contents a shipping mark normally include are illustrated in the following example: WJS PO/no. 03-18 Shanghai 1/40 Buyer’s initials A reference No. destination Package No. 2019/1/2

Problem Solving: draw a shipping mark according to the following description in an invoice. Refer to the invoice of POTRANS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD P 7, “ MARKS&NOS. HARMAN (IN TRI) SHANGHAI C/NO. 1-9 MADE IN CHINA ” MORE 2019/1/2

2. Refer to the airway bill of AIR-SEA AIR CARGO INC. P11, “ MARKS: DWS (IN DIA.) U.S.A. C/NO. 1-3 MADE IN CHINA ” KEYS 2019/1/2


3.2 Indicative Mark Indicative marks refer to the use of simple, noticeable design, remarkable diagrams and simple words on the packages to remind the relative workers of the items for attention when they load, unload, carry and store the goods. 2019/1/2

Examples of indicative marks Upward Fragile No Hook 2019/1/2

3.3 Warning Mark The warning mark is also called dangerous cargo mark or shipping mark for dangerous commodities, which is brushed / printed clearly and definitely on the shipping packing of the inflammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosive or radioactive goods, so as to give warnings to the workers / Dockers / crew. 2019/1/2

Examples of warning marks UN Transport symbol for substances which, in contact with water, emit inflammable gases UN Transport symbol for radioactive substances, Category II UN Transport symbol for corrosive substances 2019/1/2

Neutral Packing Definition Types of Neutral Packing Purpose of Neutral packing 2019/1/2

4.1 Definition of Neutral Packing The Neutral packing is the one that makes no mention at all of the name of the country producing the goods and the name of the manufacturer on the commodity and on the outer and inner packages. 2019/1/2

4.2 Types of Neutral Packing Neutral Packing without Brand Name Packing without the name of origin or manufacturer, nor brand name or trade mark Neutral Packing with a Designated Brand Packing with trade mark or brand name, but without the name of origin, nor the name of export manufacturer 2019/1/2

4.3 Purpose of Neutral packing To break through trade barriers and non-trade barriers of some import countries In order to meet the special needs of cross-boarder transaction 2019/1/2

5. Packing Clause in the Contract Examples of packing Clause Packing Expenses Packing Materials Shipping Marks 2019/1/2

5.1 Examples of packing Clause Specific Packing Clauses In wooden cases of 50 kilos net each In cloth bales each containing 20 pcs. Of 42 yds. In new single gunny bags of 50kg each General Packing Clauses Seaworthy packing Customary packing 2019/1/2

5.2 Packing Expenses The packing expense is included in the price of the cargo The packing expense is not included in the price of the cargo or partly included Gross for net The packing material is charged for as much as the price of the goods 2019/1/2

5.3 Packing Materials The seller supplies the packing materials The buyer supplies the packing materials The seller supplies the packing materials, which should be returned to the seller 2019/1/2

5.4 Shipping Mark Shipping Mark is usually prepared by the seller Unnecessary to stipulate in the contract Shipping Mark can also be prepared by the buyer Must be stipulated in the contract Must be a deadline to inform the seller about the shipping mark 2019/1/2

关于包装的案例分析 某口岸过去出口手绢是12打一包,后改为5打一包,而后又改为一打一盒,进而又改为半打、5条、3条一盒,结果销售师大增,问这是什么道理? 某外商欲购我“菊花”牌电钻,但要求改用“鲨鱼”牌商标,并在包装上不得注明“Made in China”字样,问我是否可以接受?应注意什么问题? 我出口水果罐头一批,合同规定为纸箱装,每箱30听,共80箱。但我发货时改为每箱24听共100箱,总听数相等。问这样做妥当吗? 2019/1/2

Ⅰ. Monomial Choice 1. 易拉罐包装属于( ) A.堆叠式包装 B.携带式包装 C.配套式包装 D.易开式包装 1. 易拉罐包装属于( ) A.堆叠式包装 B.携带式包装 C.配套式包装 D.易开式包装 2. 某外商要求我方提供的货物在包装上不得注明产地和商标牌号。外商这一要求属( ) A.无牌中性包装 B.定牌包装 C.运输包装 D.销售包装 2019/1/2

4. 按照国际贸易惯例,如果合同中没有相关规定,则运输标志的提供方一般是( )。 3. 大包装又可称为( ) A. whole packing B. transport packing C. sales packing D. neutral packing 4. 按照国际贸易惯例,如果合同中没有相关规定,则运输标志的提供方一般是( )。 A.opening bank B.seller C.buyer D. transport party 5. Cargo in bulk means ( ) A.裸装货 B.散货 C. 单件包装 D. 集合运输包装 2019/1/2

Ⅱ. Explain the meaning of the words or phrases below as requested Container: shipping marks: nude cargo: Neutral packing 2019/1/2

Ⅲ.Skill Training If the seller sells 1000 cases of certain goods at 150 US Dollar per case. And the contract they concluded stipulated that “it allows 5% more or less at buyer’s option” Question: (1)What’s the clause? (2)最多可装多少箱?最少可装多少箱? (3)如实际装运1040箱,买方应付多少货款? 2019/1/2

Homework Review chapter 7 & definitions in this chapter Do exercises: P200 ~ P202 2019/1/2