Understanding CAT and PASS Assessments Mr P Brunt September 2018
CAT and PASS Assessments The assessments used to provide data and inform interventions are: Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) survey CAT very important I assessing potential attainments and is used to measure against PTM and PTE in identifying under-achievement and overcoming barriers to learning PASS can tell us what the attitudes of our students are to 9 Factors, helping identify students who may be disaffected or at risk and overcoming barriers to learning
CAT Three parts – approx 40 minutes each No preparation needed – don’t worry! Will give us results (100 is average) to help understand your child’s abilities: Mean CAT Score Verbal (words / English) Non-Verbal (images / visual) Quantitative (numbers / Maths) Spatial (shapes / Sciences and Technology) 800,000 pupils each year across the UK
PASS Short survey (approx 20 minutes) Completed during registration with the Form Tutor Assesses pupil wellbeing Reveals hidden barriers to learning Helps plan interventions Gives us results based on pupil feelings about learning, school, self-regard, teachers, attendance, school-work demands An “early warning” system
Why take these assessments? To identify and overcome barriers to learning by putting in place early intervention strategies To identify and close attainment gaps by putting in place early intervention strategies 1 2 Last year training baseline Building on this Becoming part of school procedures Data helping us with early warnings, flagging up students at risk Allowing us to put in place early intervention Allowing us to baseline performance and then measure against future assessment results
GL Assessments 2018-19 CAT PASS Survey Y8 September Y9 October Y10 Y11 CAT PASS Survey Y8 September Y9 October Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14
Intervention strategies put in place Pupils sit CAT and PASS Relevant pupils identified Intervention strategies put in place Barriers to learning overcome / pupil results improve Satff Area resources
Intervention Form Tutor Pastoral Mentoring / individual meeting Whole class rapport Head of Year Year Assemblies / Guest speakers Pastoral Time activities Subject Teacher Differentiation Academic Tutoring Head of Department Revise schemes of work New resources Senior Leaders Staff training School improvement Including Gifted and Talented
The assessments No need to prepare or revise Don’t worry! Form Tutor will tell pupils when and where Pupils get an individual login Follow the link on the computer desktop Answer all questions Thank you for listening