Ms. Angela Pacheco TCHS Science Department November 21st, 2014 Ms. Angela Pacheco TCHS Science Department
Astronomy Starter: turn in crossword puzzle; get out SW/APOD sheet Asteroids/Comets exam: good luck! Learning target sheet Column “Look Back” Turn it in the tray
2nd Period Chemistry I Starter: turn in hmwk; get out lab sheet Data analysis: Unit 4 exam Pre-lab discussion 2nd Chance for unit 4 exam – just show up – be prepared to do all of the exam Tues Nov 25 Tues Dec 2
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet; need volunteers to pass back papers SMQ Data analysis: Unit 4 Reading w/notes organizer, pgs. 76-78 Action-Reaction Pairs A-R on Different Masses
Advisory Club meetings Cranium?
Astronomy Starter: turn in crossword puzzle Asteroids/Comets exam: good luck! Learning target sheet Column “Look Back” Turn it in the tray …………………….SW/APOD
Advanced Physics Starter: Get out SMQ sheet SMQ Set 2 - Pg. 113 (66-67, 69, 73, 74, 75, 70, 71, 76) Set 3: Pg. 754 (27-29) Learning check: Tuesday
Advanced Physics Unit 4 Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tanya Collin David Madelyn Morgan C Raven Emily A Megan T Bret Logan Sidney Danielle Megan Michael Morgan K Nick Courtney Emily T Zack Dalton Katie Eli Amber Tailor Alex Brennan Mila
AP Chemistry Starter: turn in lab analysis; get out lecture 24 Finish lecture 24 Begin wkst 24 Electrochem post-lab due Friday Electrochem retest: 7th