Alaina, Samantha, Anna, Lexi Science section 2 Alaina, Samantha, Anna, Lexi
#1 Question Answer Becquerel had made the first observation of a Spontaneous Radiation, what was this radiation called? Radioactivity
#2 Question: Answer: What Decay is the process by which a nucleus transitions from an excited energy state to a lower energy state, in the form of a gamma ray? Gamma
#3 Where is the decay type indicated on the decay chain? #3 Questions: Anwser: Where is the decay type indicated on the decay chain? Along each path
#4 Question Answer True or false; there is no way to predict individual radioactive nucleus will undergo decay? True
#5 Give 4 examples of ionizing radiation. Question: Answer Give 4 examples of ionizing radiation. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared & visible light
#6 Question: Answer All isotopes of the same ______ occupy the same position on the periodic table. Element
#7 Why is the accuracy of carbon dating techniques limited? Question: Answer: Why is the accuracy of carbon dating techniques limited? Because of changes in abundances of C14 in the atmosphere over time.
#8 Underneath its chemical symbol Question: Asnwer: Where is the half life of each isotope indicated? Underneath its chemical symbol
#9 Questions: Answer: Many common household smoke detectors contain a tiny sample of what? Americium 241
#10 What is the relative atomic mass? Question Answer What is the relative atomic mass? The average mass of all isotopes of a given element.