Science Honor Society ABEIERSDORFF.WEEBLY.COM 8/23/2016
REMINDERS Membership Requirements Must have a laboratory component to count towards science credits. I need a copy of transcripts with percentages and of your semester schedule by 9/6/16. You are allowed to miss two meetings. Those members not meeting these requirements will have there membership suspended until they are met.
REMINDERS Due = $10 to BNHS by 9/6/16 If you paid dues last year, you do not need to pay them this year. Remind Remind = 81010 (@bnhssn) Officer Elections Will need candidate statements by Monday. Check the Website for link to the form.
UPCOMING Nik's Home Run (10/15/16) Riveters Stadium (~7:30 am for check in) Volunteer Hours (towards SNHS and NHS) Cheering on Runners/Helping with Set-up/ Golden Candle Fundraiser (end of October) We ask that you sell two candles. Funds go towards honor cords, pins, and the local scholarship.
Things to consider: Fieldtrip - Science Activity Opportunities Fieldtrip Burpee, Field, Brookfield Zoo, Laser Tag, Trampoline T-Shirts Need a committee!