Ground rules Don't ask personal questions. No one is obliged to disclose personal information. What is said in the room, stays in the room. Listen to one another; do not speak over one another. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, you may not agree with it but you should respect it. Do not disclose someone else's personal information to the group without permission.
What is FGM? FGM stands for female genital mutilation. FGM is the partial or total removal of a girl's external genitals for non medical reasons. What harm might this cause?
What did you see in the film? Who were the characters? What happened? How did the film make you feel?
Think about Hannah: Why might Hannah have changed since Primary School? What else might be going on for her? Could there be any other reason for her being withdrawn and avoiding PE? Why do you think she didn’t want to come out of the toilets?
Think about the two other girls: Why do you think the two girls reacted so differently to Hannah's behaviour? Do you think their behaviour is typical of other young people? Think of examples. If you could speak to the two girls, what would you advise them to do now?
Next steps? What should the PE teacher have done if Hannah frequently behaved like this during the lesson? If you were in charge of the school, what systems would you put in place to make things easier for the girls?