Propaganda & Persuasive Techniques
What is propaganda? Propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of influencing people. Such writing encourages the reader to react favorably or unfavorably to particular products, people, or ideas.
Bandwagon propaganda is… Implies that “everyone” else accepting the presented subject/product Implies that you are “out” if you are not part of the “everyone” group No proof/truth behind the statements The text on the image showing a group of people with one person excluded is a clear example of the bandwagon technique.
Testimonial Testimonial propaganda uses the words of a famous person to persuade and claim to have personal experience with the issue.
Transfer Transfer propaganda uses names or pictures of famous people but not direct quotations.
Snob Appeal Tries to convince you by saying you will be above or better than the average consumer if you buy their product.
Faulty Reasoning Errors in logic – Look for words such as all, worst, best, everyone, none, etc. Hasty generalization – too little evidence – making assumptions about a whole only a small sample – My friend is from Maine and loves lobster. = Everyone from Maine love lobster. Overgeneralization – too broad
Plain Folks Appeal Plain Folks Appeal makes it appear that the candidate is a regular person just like everyone else and that they understand the common person because they are one! (Average Joe)