Why are they important? Understanding the world around you Knowing where to go on vacation…
Many things cause seasons… 1 of them we will discuss today Does distance from the sun cause seasons? NO!!! By the end of the WEEK you will be able to answer the question that even Harvard graduates get stumped on
What causes seasons?
Today’s Goal Use evidence to explain one thing that affects climate (seasons) over the course of a year.
Remember reading a weather graph? Temperature over time (hours) What did we conclude?
Today…. Climatograph Still temperature over time. This time instead of hours, it’s months
In your groups… Think about: You will get 12 climatographs. Classify/group/categorize the graphs. While you are doing this pay attention to the trend in weather across the year. Think about: Similarities/differences between graphs When is it summer? Winter? How much is temperature changing from season to season? Is it a big change or a small change?
How did you group them? Did you look at their seasons to group them?
Goal Use evidence to explain one thing that affects climate (seasons) over the course of a year.
Let’s look at the Earth: Longitude and Latitude Latitude: Distance in degrees North or South of the equator Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn
Moscow London Ottawa Havana Mexico City Singapore Juan Santamaria Nairobi Brazil Madagascar Auckland Rio Gallegos
Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Moscow London Ottawa 23.5 Tropic of Cancer Havana Mexico City Singapore Juan Santamaria Nairobi Tropic of Capricorn Brazil Madagascar 23.5 Auckland Rio Gallegos
Take another look at your groups… How did you group them? How are they grouped on the map? What trends do you see with their climate and their locations on the map?
Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Moscow London Ottawa 23.5 Tropic of Cancer Havana Mexico City Singapore Juan Santamaria Nairobi Tropic of Capricorn Brazil Madagascar 23.5 Auckland Rio Gallegos
Think about our goal: Did you meet the goal? Use evidence to explain one thing that affects climate (seasons) over the course of a year. Did you meet the goal? 1. What were your climatographs showing? 2. What things affected the seasons on your climatographs? – think about the map 3. What evidence do you have for your inference?
Let’s put it all together… On a piece of paper, use one piece of evidence to explain one thing that affects seasons. “Seasons can be affected by______. This is shown by ______.” “__________ shows that seasons can be affected by_______.”
Today: What affects seasons? Tomorrow: Why does it affect the seasons…