Every Bloody Word I. “The Last to See Them Alive” Beneficence: (n) quality/state of doing good Edifice: (n) building, esp. a massive structure Myriad: a great number (n.); many (adj.) Abstemious: (adj) marked by restraint, esp. in the consumption of food or alcohol Despondent: (adj) feeling or showing extreme discouragement or depression Mesmeric: (adj) fascinating, hypnotic
Every Bloody Word I. “The Last to See Them Alive” Ludicrous: (adj) absurd to the point of being funny Prim: (adj) exaggeratedly dainty, proper, or refined Ineffable: (adj) incapable of being expressed in words Ethereal: (adj) lacking material substance or marked by unusual delicacy or refinement Lilliputian: (adj) small, miniature (cf. Gulliver’s Travels) Fastidious: (adj) having high and often capricious standards; difficult to please Quandary: (n) a state of perplexity or doubt
Every Bloody Word II. AP Intermezzo Pedantic: (adj) detail-obsessed Ascertain: (v) to make sure of Mercurial: (adj) liable to change suddenly and unpredictably Affable: (adj) friendly Sanguine: (adj) 1. Confidently optimistic and cheerful 2. Reddish, esp. with respect to complexion Maudlin: (adj) effusively or insincerely emotional Lyrical: (adj) expressing deep personal emotion
Every Bloody Word II. “Persons Unknown” Raucous: (adj) boisterously disorderly Bravura: (n) a show of daring or brilliance Propriety (n) conformity to social norms; “properness” Forlorn (adj) nearly hopeless Belligerence (n) an aggressive or truculent attitude, disposition, or tone Abscond (v) to depart secretly, usually taking something along (e.g. “abscond with the cash”) Purloin (v) to steal
Every Bloody Word III. “Persons Unknown” / Intermezzo Admonish: (v) to express warning or disapproval Paradox: (n) a seemingly contradictory statement that contains a deeper truth Dour: (adj) gloomy, stern, or forbidding Parity: (n) equality in amount, status, or value Disparity: (n) a difference or inequality Histrionic: (adj) theatrical to an extreme; emotionally over-the-top
Every Bloody Word III. “Answer” Amiable: (adj) agreeable, friendly Ambivalent: (adj) characterized by simultaneous, contradictory attitudes or feelings toward someone or something Fortitude: (n) strength of mind; courage Patronize: (tr. v) to be a patron or customer of; to give business to to adopt an air of condescension toward Pensive: (adj) dreamily thoughtful Somnolent: (adj) sleepy or sleep-inducing Expurgate: (tr. v) to cleanse of offensive material Sundry: (adj) miscellaneous; various