Story mountain Most short stories follow a pattern:
Opening The opening is the beginning of the story. It introduces the characters and the setting. Most stories begin like at the start, however some stories begin in the middle or even at the end! How would you start a story? From the beginning, middle or end?
Build-up The build-up starts to introduce a storyline for the main character. More characters will be introduced, or a new setting. It may involve giving some clues to what might happen later in the story.
Dilemma The dilemma can also be known as the problem. Each short story usually has some sort of problem which needs to be overcome. What story problems can you think of?
Resolution The resolution is where the story starts to solve the problem. Most resolutions involve thinking sensibly about the problem, or involving a new character that can help.
Ending The ending is not always happy in short stories. You usually find out what lesson the main character has learned. Sometimes the story describes what the characters lives will now be like.
Task: Copy the story mountain down into your workbooks. 2) Briefly describe each stage in your own words. 3) Copy the following table into your workbook. Read the 5 slides again and come up with your own example of a quick short story. We have given you an example. Snow White Example: Opening Happy and beautiful girl. Build-up Envied by most people. Dilemma Spell cast to make her ugly. Resolution Found and saved by love of her life. Ending Wakes up it’s a dream, needs to get ready for school.