Unit7 How much are these pants? Section B 1a-3c
10 11 12 13 14 15 ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 写出以下数字 10 11 12 13 14 15 ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 16 17 18 19 20
26 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 写出以下数字 twenty-six twenty twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one 20 21 22 23 24 25 twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five
20 twenty 100 one hundred 30 thirty 101 one hundred and one 40 forty 111 one hundred and eleven 50 fifty 121 one hundred and twenty-one 60 sixty 200 two hundred 70 seventy 300 three hundred 80 eighty 1,000 one thousand 90 ninety 2,000 two thousand 1,430 one thousand four hundred and thirty
1a Listen and repeat 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
practice Which two rows of numbers are in the wrong place? Write the number next to the correct word. 1 ten__ eleven__ twelve__ thirteen__ fourteen__ 2 twenty-five__ twenty-six __ twenty-seven__ twenty-eight__ twenty-nine___ 3 twenty__ twenty-one__ twenty-two__ twenty-three__ twenty-four__ 4 fifteen__ sixteen___ seventeen__ eighteen__ nineteen__ 5 thrity__ thrity-one___
RMB 人民币 100 yuan
英镑 10 pounds
法郎 200 francs
马克(德国) 100 mark
日元 10000 yen ten thousand yen
Listen and circle the things in the picture that lisa and her mom talk about. Check () the things Lisa buys. 2b (p.44)
Ask and answer questions about the clothes in the picture above. PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions about the clothes in the picture above.
/əd`vз:tIsmənt/ n. /ӕdvз:`taIzmənt / /kləʊðz / n. (pl.) /stɔ: / n. Words and expressions Ad= advertisement 广告 /əd`vз:tIsmənt/ n. /ӕdvз:`taIzmənt / /kləʊðz / n. (pl.) clothes /stɔ: / n. store
/si:/ v. /baI/ v. /`verI/adv. clothes store see come /kʌm/ v. 服装店 /si:/ v. see come /kʌm/ v. come and see sell /sel/ v. buy /baI/ v. /`verI/adv. very
/praIs/ n. /i:ʧ/ pron. price each You can buy socks for only $5 each! We have sweaters at a very good price. /i:ʧ/ pron. each You can buy socks for only $5 each!
/`enIbɒdI/ pron. /ə`fɔ:d / v. /`aʊə/ pron. /jɔ:(r)`self/ pron. anybody /`enIbɒdI/ pron. /ə`fɔ:d / v. afford /`aʊə/ pron. our /jɔ:(r)`self/ pron. yourself /`mIstə(r)/ Mr. =mister
Anybody can afford our prices. Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.! Come to Mr Cool’s Store! on sale have a look at from /frɒm/ prep.
Read the ad and fill in the price tags. ¥5 ¥18 ¥12
3b sweaters? We have all kinds of sweaters at a very good price-only¥20. We have great bags for sports for only ¥10. For girls,we have bags in red, green, For boys, you can buy shorts for only ¥7. white,blue for only¥10. ...
Groupwork Each of you have 200 RMB. Clothes Buy from Sell to Price
¥35 ¥99 7.Look at the pictures, ask and answer questions. ¥ 50 ¥ 45 ¥ 75
¥2 ¥3
¥2 ¥5
¥49 ¥19
-How much ___ the shoes? -____ ___ $6. are They are Fill in the blanks . Excercises in class -How much ___ the shoes? -____ ___ $6. are They are 2. -How much __ the hat? -__ __ $6. is It is
is is is are are A: How much this green sweater? B: It 15 dollars. Fill in the blanks with is or are. is A: How much this green sweater? B: It 15 dollars. A: How much these black socks? B: They four dollars. A: Thank you. B: You welcome. is is are are
Read the ad and fill in the price tags. Self Check Read the ad and fill in the price tags. $15 $31 $25 $30 $30
Why is the salesman unhappy at the end? Just for Fun! Why is the salesman unhappy at the end? The salesman thought the boy was going to buy shorts and a sweater and socks. Instead he only bought the socks.
Ask a questions about the underlined part. How much is the yellow sweater? 1. The yellow sweater is $30.
2. I have blue pants. 3. The shorts are $10. What are $10? What color pants do you have? 3. The shorts are $10. What are $10?
Homework Suppose you are going to buy a gift for your mother on her birthday. Write down a conversation about shopping.