Everybody Hates Shylock? Eszter Boros-Rivera The Mott Hall School eboros@schools.nyc.gov
Global history Public Policy Analyst (GHPPA) Identify the Problem Gather the Evidence Determine the Causes Evaluate the Policy Do a Comparative Analysis
What’s everyone’s problem with shylock? Shylock is a reviled character, regardless of the fairness of his claim In William Shakespeare’s 1597 play The Merchant of Venice, the title character Shylock is ridiculed, abused and even spat upon. This in turn fuels both his irrational hatred toward Antonio and historically anti-Semitic feelings towards this play. Identify the Problem
Where do we find textual evidence of antisemitism Find textual evidence of the negative feeling the characters have toward Shylock in specific, and Jewish people in general Class “You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, [...] 'Fair sir, you spit on me on Wednesday last, You spurn'd me such a day; another time You call'd me dog; and for these courtesies I'll lend you thus much moneys’? Medieval anti-Jewish sentiments and laws Gather the Evidence
Determine the causes TIME FOR RESEARCH!!! Determine the Causes Find the roots of the anti-Jewish sentiment in the Middle Ages Share Out findings: Misguided RELIGIOUS ZEAL ANTI-SEMITISM ENCOURAGED BY CRUSADES Webquest focused antisemitism Jewishhistorywebquest.pdf Determine the Causes
Does anti-Semitism exists today? Questions to ponder: Has Europe, Germany in particular, reconcile with World World II? How has the creation of Israel affected the “Jewish question”? Why do we still study plays like The Merchants of Venice, how are they still relevant, especially to an American audience? Do a Comparative Analysis