Welcome to my presentation! In this presentation, I will tell you about Shadows, The Spinning Earth, and The Orbiting Earth
Shadows On a bright day you can see your own shadow on the ground. The reasons for this is: Light travels in straight lines. Light cannot pass through opaque material, such as a person, or brick wall.
The Spinning Earth The Earths’ axis is an imaginary line that links the North and South poles. The Earth is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees on its axis. When the Earth spins, half the Earth is facing the Sun and in the light and half is facing away from the Sun and in the dark. This is what gives us day and night. The Earth takes 24 hours to complete one full spin. The Sun appears in the east each morning, it reaches its highest point in the sky at noon and then disappears from view in the west in the evening. It is important to remember that the Sun is not moving; the Earth is moving.
The Orbiting Earth The Earth moves round the Sun in an elliptical (oval) orbit. The Earth is pulled into this orbit by the gravitational force that exists between the mass of the Sun and the mass of the Earth. The Earth moves around the Sun once each year, in an anticlockwise direction. The Earth takes 365.25 days to orbit the Sun. This is why we need a leap year for every four years. A leap year contains one extra day. This picture explains the dates of the location of the earth during the year.
Thank you for listening. END Thank you for listening. By: Alex McGann