The Early Renaissance 1400-1490 By: Daniel Sanchez
The Early Renaissance was from 1400- 1490 and it all started in Florence. The Renaissance brought the revival of painting and sculpting. Art during this time focused on the individual, beauty, and the changing world around them The Early Renaissance
Gates Of Paradise Created by: Ghiberti, Lorenzo Medium: Gilded Bronze When: 1425-1452 Where: Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence The Gates of Paradise uses contrast on the gilded bronze. Lines create a pattern and frames for the engravery.
Holy Trinity Created by: Masaccio Medium: Fresco Painting When: 1425-1427 Where: Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella, in Florence The Holy Trinity uses balance. The figures create a symmetrical shape and the painting emphasizes on Jesus
Tribute Money Created by: Masaccio Medium: Fresco Painting When: 1425 Where: Florence, Italy Tribute Money uses emphasis. The flamboyant colors contrast against the light background.
The Birth of Venus Created by: Sandro Botticelli Medium: Tempera on canvas When: 1484-1486 Where: Not Certain The Birth of Venus uses movement. It is shown in the mantles of Zephyrus and Panoma as they appear to move with wind.
Madonna and Child Created by: Fra Filippo Lippi Medium: Tempera on panel,wood When: 1460-1465 Where: Florence, Italy Madonna and Child has unity because all the objects of the picture come together. It also uses line and texture to give depth to clothing and hair.