Sept 21, 2009 Waikoloa, Hawaii Session #63.5 802.16m Opening Report Sept 21, 2009 Waikoloa, Hawaii Session #63.5 2009-09-21 IEEE 802.16m-09/0046r1
802.16m Opening Report – Waikoloa Into Session #63.5: CR on SRD (802.16m-09/0044) CRs on SDD (802.16m-09/0045) 22 Technical, 6 editorial Unresolved Comments on D1 Amendment Text (Letter Ballot #30; 802.16-09/0047r4) 474 unresolved technical comments: 153 Femto; 3 +13 SON 46 Relay; 37 e-MBS 10 LBS 192 MAC 20 Misc PHY Call for Contributions on SON/LBS/e-MBS/Relay Amendment text (carried from Session # 63) Received 85 new contributions (5 min. ea= 37 hrs) from CFC into Session #63 – DGs created at Session # 63 to harmonize and generate initial D1 text – They have been meeting regularly for past two weeks 26 E-MBS 39 Relay 10 SON Carl Eklund resigned as TGm Vice Chair at session #63 2008-09-21 IEEE 802.16m-09/0046r1
802.16m Opening Report- Waikoloa Plan for the week: Resolve all SDD & SRD CRs Resolve ALL Letter Ballot comments (prime focus) Drafting Groups on SON, LBS, e-MBS and Relay to generate harmonized initial text for incorporation into D1 and to simultaneously resolve any LB comments received on those subjects Authorize Editor to create D2 and request LB recirc Coordinate with ITU Liaison Group to generate final IMT-Advanced Proposal documents Recommend that Jong-Kae (JK) Fwu be appointed as TGm Vice Chair 2008-09-21 IEEE 802.16m-09/0046r1
802.16m Opening Report- Waikoloa Plan for the week (cont): Logistics: Conduct three parallel sessions most of the week Two parallel LB comment resolution sessions DG F2F sessions Common sessions on Monday and Thursday Draft meeting calendar/TGm breakout schedule in external temp directory: Also see TGm Revised Draft Agenda, 802.16m-09/0039r4 2009-09-21 IEEE 802.16m-09/0046r1