C3SC CALB MIS Review #2: CB Report MIS CB reporting as of CALB 8.2 and 7.8 TJ Baugus, Principal Functional Consultant, Banner Student California Community College Solution Center, SGHE March 11, 2010
Session Rules PLEASE DO NOT PUT US ON HOLD! Thank you in advance for hanging up on us because we don’t like your hold music. Please use your phone mute button or *6. This session is not to solve SRs. This is a general discussion to benefit all. Action Line handles specific problems. There are open defects & RPEs. RPEs Priorities Your CCB representative This this session is only about CB report. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Agenda General background & overview MIS CB Course Report elements As of today, CALB 8.2+ and CALB 7.8 Cover as many as possible Highlight what is reported Some elements are just too huge. FAQ 1-B11RZL for this session. CB record selection if there is time or on your own FAQ 1-4G6CWL, C3SC: CALB MIS reports running, revisions, and record selection details. (Covers all CALB reports.) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
General background and overview March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
General Background on Banner MIS Reports Baseline MIS Reports Example: SERCBREC, MIS CB Record Extract Student module reports were COBOL. Long list of parameters Concatenate many outputs together CCC specific forms/tables & columns/fields Didn’t always represent true need Regulatory updates abandoned while waiting for C3SC formation. Baseline will be obsolete these reports. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
General Background on C3SC MIS Reports CALB Student/Financial Aid MIS Reports Queried all existing clients for input By early 2007 CALB 7.4 all non-HR reports Some additional forms/tables & columns/fields added Tried hard(er) to represent true need REPT Report Engine (C3SC product) Had to replace the COBOL programs Easy client customization All non-HR reports are in REPT HR: CALBHR EB & EJ (Jan Wilder) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
REPT Report Engine FAQ 1-ATHKVI: Chris Leuer’s Webinar on REPT PowerPoint Session recording link The CALB install loads the CALB MIS reports into REPT tables. If you need to customize a report, copy the CALB report & customize your copy. REPT & all of its processes are not specific to CALB MIS. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Running CALB MIS reports in REPT Report Engine Instructions in CALB Handbook and FAQ 1-4G6CWL. GVAREPT: Creates the XML that is used to create GVPREPT’s output files. Enter the report name (CB) & parameters in Extract block. Update other Transform options as needed. Submit the job via the button. Check status by refreshing on Job Submit tab or querying status on Job Status tab. Any errors, you must resolve the issue and resubmit the report. Success: “Extract and transform steps completed successfully.” Use Options menu to open GVPREPT only if ‘success’. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Running CALB MIS reports in REPT Report Engine GVPREPT: Creates the final output. Job submitted from Banner. The .lis (‘human friendly’) and .log files , accessible with Banner for review. The .ext for CCCCO upload, which is only viewable from your jobsub directory. Parameters: Opening via GVAREPT’s Options menu pre- loads with defaults for report via Parameter Set. Report Name for .ext file; if null will be xx.ext (CB.ext) Generate XML File (if on GVAREPT you created XML) saves the XML for support of results. XML FileName is the optional forth file name. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
FAQs in Support Center FAQ 1-4G6CWL, C3SC: CALB MIS reports running, revisions, and record selection details (all CALB reports) Examples of forms & fields used for record selection. How to create an MIS flat file for submitting to CCCCO site. List of the reports & revisions. CB: Released in 7.3.2; revised 7.4.1; revised 7.4.2; revised defect 1-3CLM15 patch after CALB 7.4.2; revised 7.5.2 revised defects 1-597Q4W/1- 5Q7GX8 patched after CALB 7.6/8.0 Other FAQs on REPT, MIS, & other topics. All C3SC FAQs start with ‘C3SC’ in title. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
MIS DED vs. Syntactical Edit vs. Referential Edit The design of all reports is based upon MIS DED standards, including domain for record selection. The details in the edits (element relationships) are not coded. Few exceptions (additional valid values in edit document) Why? The edit logic should be in the Banner CALB application’s functionality if it is possible to implement. CALB will not change your reported data beyond converting valid values & formatting. You should load the correct values into the Banner application. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports) Most common cause: GTVDICD and STVCAMP GTVDICD District Division Code Validation Must list district/college IDs, GI01, even if you only have one. STVCAMP Campus Code Validation Must link the campuses to the district/college IDs (even if you only have one). Without this, all reports can hit “no data found” (all except CB). March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports) Most common cause: GTVDICD and STVCAMP GTVDICD District Division Code Validation Must list district/college IDs, GI01, even if you only have one. STVCAMP Campus Code Validation Must link the campuses to the district/college IDs (even if you only have one). Without this, all reports can hit “no data found” (all except CB). March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports) Usually missing key data setups (new fields to CALB or not) that satisfy report domain. A report’s “domain” is the SQL statement defined on GVARSQL Report Engine SQL Form that represents the CCCCO report domain. Do not edit installed reports. Chris Leuer’s session included some tips for using the SQL. Find one record that should be reported & compare to FAQ 1-4G6CWL (record selection). March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
CB record elements March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Warning: Pseudo Code Anything presented resembling ‘code’ is my pseudo code & very simplified. I’m not a developer; I understand just enough coding to communicate (or scare). Real code is not guaranteed to be similar. A mismatch does not a defect make. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Header elements GIxx GI90 RECORD-CODE GI01 DISTRICT-COLLEGE-IDENTIFIER GVAREPT Report selected GVVRPDF_REPORT = ‘CB’ (GVVRPDF form) GI01 DISTRICT-COLLEGE-IDENTIFIER Parameter: District College ID (GTVDICD_CODE) (GTVDICD form) GI03 TERM-IDENTIFIER Parameter: Term (STVTERM_CODE) (STVTERM form) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course element CB04 CB04 COURSE-CREDIT-STATUS Set according to setup of course’s credit status SCBCRSE_CREDIT_STATUS_CODE. (SCACRSE & SVVCCST forms) ‘D’ if code is (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘Y’ and SVVCCST_DEGREE_APPL = ‘Y’) ‘C’ if code is (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘Y’ and SVVCCST_DEGREE_APPL = ‘N’) ‘N’ if code is (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘N’) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course element CB05 CB05 COURSE-TRANSFER-STATUS Set according to setup of course’s credit status and transfer institutions. (SCACRSE, SVVCCST, SCADETL “Transfer Institutions” Source, & STVSBGI forms) Requires ‘CSU’ and ‘UC’ codes. ‘C’ if code is (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘N’) (unknown = ‘C’) else If exists (SCRSBGI_SBGI_CODE = ‘CSU’) and exists (SCRSBGI_SBGI_CODE = ‘UC’) then ‘A’ If exists (SCRSBGI_SBGI_CODE = ‘CSU’) and not exists (SCRSBGI_SBGI_CODE = ‘UC’) then ‘B’ If not exists (SCRSBGI_SBGI_CODE = ‘CSU’) then ‘C’ March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course element CB06 CB06 COURSE-UNITS-OF-CREDIT-MAXIMUM Set according to setup of course’s credit status and credit hours. (SCACRSE & SVVCCST forms) ‘0000’ if (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘N’) (unknown = ‘0000’) Format SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_HIGH if (code is SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘Y’) and (SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_HIGH is not null) Format SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_LOW if (code is SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘Y’) and (SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_HIGH is null) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course elements CB07 – CB09 CB07 COURSE-UNITS-OF-CREDIT-MINIMUM Set according to setup of course’s credit status and low credit hours. (SCACRSE & SVVCCST form) ‘0000’ if (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘N’) (unknown = ‘0000’) Else Format SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_LOW if (code is SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘Y’) CB08 COURSE-BASIC-SKILLS-STATUS SCBSUPP_BASIC_SKILL_CDE (unknown = ‘N’) (SCADETL form, Basic Skills) CB09 COURSE-SAM-PRIORITY-CODE First character of SCBSUPP_OCCS_CODE (unknown = ‘E’) (SCADETL form, Occupational Course) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course elements CB10 – CB13 CB10 COURSE-COOP-ED-STATUS ‘C’ if (SCBSUPP_COOP_ED_IND = ‘Y’ checked) (anything else or unknown = ‘N’) (SCADETL form, Cooperative Education) CB11 COURSE-CLASSIFICATION-CODE First character of SCBSUPP_CCSL_CODE (unknown = ‘ ’) (SCADETL form, Classification) CB12 Filler CB13 COURSE-SPECIAL-CLASS-STATUS First character of SCBSUPP_CUDA_CODE (unknown = ‘N’) (SCADETL form, Special Class Status) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course elements CB14 – CB18 CB14 COURSE-CAN-CODE First character of SCBSUPP_CUDB_CODE (unknown = ‘YYYYYY’) (SCADETL form, California Articulation Number) CB15 COURSE-CAN-SEQ-CODE First character of SCBSUPP_CUDC_CODE (unknown = ‘YYYYYYYY’) (SCADETL form, California Articulation Number Sequence) CB16 Filler CB17 Filler CB18 Filler March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course element CB19 CB19 COURSE-CROSSWALK-CRS-DEPT-NAME Set according to setup of course’s transfer institutions. Requires ‘CSU’ code. If not exist (SCRSBGI_SBGI_CODE = ‘CSU’) then ‘YYYYYYY’ (SCADETL “Transfer Institutions” Source & STVSBGI forms) Else first 7-characters of SCBSUPP_CUDD_CODE (unknown = ‘YYYYYYY’) (SCADETL CSU Crosswalk Course Department) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course element CB20 CB20 COURSE-CROSSWALK-CRS-NUMBER Set according to setup of course’s credit status and transfer institutions. (SCACRSE, SVVCCST, SCADETL “Transfer Institutions” Source, & STVSBGI forms) Requires ‘CSU’ code. If (credit code is not (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘Y’ and SVVCCST_DEGREE_APPL = ‘Y’)) or (not exist SCRSBGI_SBGI_CODE = ‘CSU’) then ‘YYYYYYYYY’ Else first 9-characters of SCBSUPP_CUDE_CODE (unknown = ‘YYYYYYY’) (SCADETL CSU Crosswalk Course Number) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course elements CB21 – CB22 CB21 COURSE-PRIOR-TO-COLLEGE-LEVEL SCBSUPP_CUDF_CODE (SCADETL Prior-to-College Level) (unknown = ‘Y’) CB22 COURSE-NONCREDIT-CATEGORY Set according to setup of course’s credit status and noncredit category. (SCACRSE, SVVCCST, & SCADETL Noncredit Category) If credit code is (SVVCCST_CREDIT_COURSE = ‘N’) then ‘Y’ Else SCBSUPP_CNCC_CODE (unknown = ‘ ’) March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Course elements CB23 – CB24 CB23 FUNDING-AGENCY-CATEGORY SCBSUPP_FUNC_CODE (SCADETL Funding Agency Code) (unknown = ‘Y’) CB24 COURSE-PROGRAM-STATUS SSCBSUPP_CPSC_CODE (SCADETL Program Status) (unknown = ‘ ’) Trailing Filler March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
CB record selection January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
CB Report: Record Selection CB is the only report that will list records even if STVCAMP is not setup. If the course has SCASRES Catalog Schedule Restrictions setup with Campus Restrictions, it will impact the records listed. January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Course Base Setup The course base is active for the term. (SCABASE includes term.) SCBCRKY_TERM_CODE_START <= Report term And report term >= SCBCRKY_TERM_CODE_END January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Course Basic Setup And the course basic is active for the term. (SCACRSE & STVCSTA forms) SCBCRSE_CSTA_CODE has a code with STVCSTA_ACTIVE_IND = ‘A’ checked January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Course Campus Restrictions Setup (not restricted) And the course’s setup on SCASRES Catalog Schedule Restrictions is (SCASRES “Campus Restriction”) Is not setup at all for the report term. (SCASRES “Campus Restriction” displays “no records” message.) January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Course Campus Restrictions Setup (Excluded) Continuing SCASRES Or is not excluded for all campuses of the report's district ID. (SCASRES “Campus Restriction” & STVCAMP forms) not (SCRRCMP_CAMP_IND = ‘E’ and SCRRCMP_CAMP_CODE exists for all campuses of the district ID). STVCAMP_CODE values where STVCAMP_DICD_CODE = District College ID parameter With ‘Exclude’: To exclude a course list all campuses for the district ID; to report a course leave off at least one campus. January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Course Campus Restrictions Setup (Excluded) Continuing SCASRES January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Course Campus Restrictions Setup (Included) Continuing SCASRES Or is included for at least one campus of the report's district ID. (SCASRES “Campus Restriction” & STVCAMP forms) To ‘Include’ a course list at least one of the campuses for the district ID. SCRRCMP_CAMP_IND = ‘I’ and SCRRCMP_CAMP_CODE exists for one or more campuses of the district ID. STVCAMP_CODE values where STVCAMP_DICD_CODE = District College ID parameter With ‘Include’: To include a course list one or more campuses for the district ID; to not report a course leave off all of the campuses. January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Course Campus Restrictions Setup (Included) Continuing SCASRES January 2, 2019 | www.sungardhe.com
Summary Design of CALB MIS reports: Must be generic to fit the majority & normal usage. I verify design decisions with CCCCO MIS department as needed. REPT tool was used to allow modifications for local needs. Please open Service Requests for any issues you have. CALB trained subset of Student AL Thank you to everyone that has helped improve CALB MIS the last few years! March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com
Questions? FAQ 1-B11RZL This document Link to this recording Will be posted on CAL-L TJ Baugus: tj.baugus@sungardhe.com, but I will require you to use action line service requests. March 11, 2010 | www.sungardhe.com