On Feb 12, a minor THEMIS conjunction, TH-C at 18RE in the tail, observed the first indication of reconnection Earthward of it. Substorm ~03:00-04:30UT Precursors/onset 03:00-04:00. PBI at 04:05UT TH-C saw tailward beams at 03:42UT Reconnection reached lobe field lines Poleward intensification at RANKin Inlet Substorm ~10:00-12:00UT Intensification at 10:50UT
Ground Mags
Substorm ~03:00-04:30UT
TH-C Bxyz, GSM coords ESA ion velocity, DSL coords Note: Y= dawnward, Z = south ESA ions density ESA ions phi spec Note: -90deg = dusk SST ions energy spec ESA ions energy spec SST ions up phi spec SST ions down phi spec SST electrons phi spec ESA electrons phi spec
TH-A (key at back)
TH-D (key at back)
TH-D (key at back)
Substorm ~10:00-12:00UT
TH-C ESA ion velocity, DSL coords Note: Y= dawnward, Z = south ESA ions density ESA ions phi spec Note: -90 = dusk SST ions energy spec ESA ions energy spec SST ions up phi spec SST ions down phi spec SST electrons phi spec ESA electrons phi spec
TH-D (key at back)
TH-D (key at back)