Hominid Evolution Classification: Hominids (Family): Bipedal primates (can walk upright on two legs) Primates (Order): Mammals with excellent eyesight and flexible Hands and Feet Mammals (Class): Hairy vertebrates who nurse live-born young
Australopithecus afarensis 3-4 million y.a. First hominid to walk upright**
Australopithecus africanus 3.3-2.5 mya Brain size increases
Australopithecus boisei 2.3-1.2 mya Skull adapted for heavy chewing Perhaps first meat eaters?
Homo erectus 1.6 mya - 50,000 ya Used tools, fire. Meat eaters - probably began to cook their food
Homo neanderthalensis 200,000 years ago to 30,000 ya Very highly developed brain, tool use and culture. Became extinct suddenly. Were they killed off by modern humans?
Homo sapiens ~100,000 y.a. - ?
Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzees) Appeared ~1 million y.a.? Closest Living relative to Humans