11-03-042r0-WNG ETSI BRAN 31 Interworking Group Report January 2003 11-03-042r0-WNG ETSI BRAN 31 Interworking Group Report 10th – 13th December 2002, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Activities Review action list Liaisons Contributions January 2003 Activities Review action list Many actions now closed. Some were nearly 2 years old Liaisons SA2 (Require closer co-operation) [BRAN31d037] GSMA WLAN sub group (Our work is out of scope for them) [BRAN31d038] Contributions Roaming problems between Hiperlan/2 and HiSWANa [BRAN31d066] Comparison of 3GPP SA and WIG reference architectures [BRAN31d087] Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
Activities II Contributions II Outstanding Issues January 2003 Activities II Contributions II Interworking alignment and QoS [BRAN31d070] Authorisation Issues [BRAN31d068] Policy Issues [BRAN31d069] All documents accepted (some with minor changes) Outstanding Issues Draft TS (BRAN30d101) needs to be completed for Hiperlan/2 specific interworking functions. Action items need to be closed Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
January 2003 WIG activities Take forward some ‘old’ BRAN/MMAC actions and present them at WIG #2 (Actions which are independent of WLAN technology) Prepare presentation for IEEE 802.11 interim in Jan 03 (11-03-006r0) Reformat WIG baseline document into 802.11 standard format (11-03-004r0) Prepare agenda items for WIG #2 Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor
New Liaisons The group seeks approval of several new liaisons January 2003 New Liaisons The group seeks approval of several new liaisons Reply to technical liaison from SA2 (network_id) New liaison to 3GPP SA5, who have just started work on charging and accounting for WLAN interworking, informing them of our work. (similar liaison to previous one to SA1, SA2 and SA3) Also to OMA chair and GERAN chair (recommended by H2 closing plenary) Finish these liaisons by correspondence on the HL_3G mailing list, then seek approval through new process as outlined in BRAN31d112. Stephen McCann, Siemens Roke Manor