Are we moving towards more integration of the NEW FEATURES OF TS INto JDEMETRA+ ? In the view of economic analysts as users of JDEMETRA+: JDEMETRA+ offers a more user-friendly and comprehensive environment for the statistical and economic analyst. The fundamental features of TS (latest version) are broadly integrated into JDEMETRA+.
Are we moving towards more integration of the NEW FEATURES OF TS INto JDEMETRA+ ? In the view of economic analysts as users of JDEMETRA+: Latest version of TS in the TSW+ environment has also improved considerably Easier and clearer for user not familiar with older versions of TS… … it now facilitates a seasonal adjustment analysis for non- familiar users New features include new seasonality detection test (most of them, but not all, are integrated in JDEMETRA+), includes an “Overall test.” A nice output to reach a YES/NO decision on the presence of seasonality.
Are we moving towards more integration of the NEW FEATURES OF TS INto JDEMETRA+ ? … And although it is not often used in short-term analysis, the decomposition of trend-cycle into BUSINESS-CYCLE AND LONG-TERM TREND, it is a very useful tool in terms of the medium and long-term economic assessment of many relevant economic indicators In this sense, the inclusion of this decomposition in JDEMETRA+ could be considered to offer analysts a more complete package of the Time Series analysis
WHY do we need a FAME INTERFACE? From the practical use of SA process, in our DG normally we use TSW+ as a “laboratory” for several relevant economic indicators, taking care with the calendar effects estimation (for instance, ad-hoc trading days weighted by the regional share in national economic activity....) … and of course following the ESS guidelines. But, after, for the regular production, we replicate such estimations of seasonality with the FAME interface. The latter is crucial for us in our regular short-term monitoring. We also consider JDEMETRA+ a very useful laboratory, but for us having a FAME interface is fundamental, when contemplating a migration to a JDEMETRA+ world