CASTLES Wales – Croatia
Castels in Croatia Veliki Tabor, Trakoscan Near Zagreb Property of powerfull people Built as fortifies
Veliki Tabor Southwest of Hrvatsko Zagorje – 12. 15. and 16. c UNESCO Rich interior The big well The Big “Rustical Hall”
Veliki Tabor Veronika Desinicka Exhibit of collections Lots of owners Museum
Trakoscan 13. c – defense fortification Lots of owners Restored in 19. c Rich interior and legacy Big lake, surrounded by wood
Castles in Wales Conwy, Degannwy Reflection of strenght, power Military purpose Property of the king Near Llandudno
Conwy Dark stoned fortress Edward 1. – 13. c “Iron ring” Walls and eight huge towers Breathtaking battlements
Degannwy Built in 11. c, demolished in 13. c Twin rocks – Fought over Major political importance Had many owners - rebuilt Lines can still be recognised
Differences Look and atmosphere The owners Interior interests
Similarity On the hills Great view Surrounded by the nature Long history Lots of owners
The end Klara Leskovic HTS 2009.