Rights Respecting School Group March 30th 2017
Class Charters We encourage all of our classes to have a class charter and make sure it is linked to UNCRC Articles. We have a playground charter too, which you may have seen on your tour. Class Charters
At St. Cadoc’s we are Global Citizens, we fundraise for charities around the world and learn about children, rights, food, religion and cultures around the globe. Global Citizenship
In St. Cadoc’s pupils’ opinions are listened to by adults We have pupil dialogues with teachers, pupil forums every term and lots of groups like the Pupil Council, Eco, Pastoral and Fairtrade Committees. Sometimes we have questionnaires to find out if we are happy to help teachers start new initiatives. Here is a good example of our opinions being listened to: In August the new school, St. Clare’s opens. Pupils here got to work with architects to help design the school, then we got to design the school colours, badge, tie and uniform! Our Voice is heard
Our School Song The song is based on Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley. The long version has 8 verses – one written each stage and one by our after school care. Each verse highlights the importance of rights to us here. Later today you’ll hear a shortened version Our School Song
The St. Cadoc’s Article 12 play A few years ago we wrote and performed a play about Article 12 for two other schools, Crookfur and Isobel Mair. It was such a success that we decided to make it a yearly event and reminder for all our pupils It is about pupils not being treated fairly by their teacher and their right to an opinion The fun thing about the play and song is that we don’t tell classes when we are going to perform – we just burst in and do it in their class! The St. Cadoc’s Article 12 play
The Articles We are everywhere in the school! Some of us can be harder to find though – as this helps our Rights Treasure hunt be more fun!
Keeping the message alive So that everyone is always thinking of the UNCRC we have made posters to go up all around the school. We also leave the letters from Human Rights Day up for Parents night so everyone can see that we want to make a difference. We also have some displays of work too, that show teachers have been working hard on the UNCRC.
Human Rights Day and Peace March
Inspiration We learn about inspiring people from around the world who stood up for important articles of the UNCRC. These individuals include the likes of Martin Luther King, Malala Yousafzai, Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks to name a few.
Protesting We then do some peaceful protesting – we believe we can make a difference. Our protests include: Marching outside Silent protests Letter zaps
Peace March Community Following Human Rights Day we come together as a community with two local schools. Representatives from all three schools march together to raise awareness of particular articles of the UNCRC – those that our inspirations fought for.
Thank you We hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Do you have any questions? Thank you