Friendship and Support… Helping each other in school
What makes a good friend? A good friend will try and be… Supportive Kind and caring Good at listening Encourages you to do the right thing Always there for you Someone who asks if you are okay Trustworthy (someone that you can rely on)
Why are good friends important in school? Good friends will always encourage you to do the right thing and keep you out of trouble. Your form group is your school family, look out for one another and take pride in doing well in class. We all like receiving compliments (even I do…). You can have fun with your friends at school (break and lunch) but in class we should help one another succeed. Last week was a brilliant week in school, DO YOU AGREE? Why do you think it was a good week? Lets look at Class Charts…
Am I a good friend? Everybody in the room should be proud of the changes you are making as a person and as a student. Every day I see quality examples of support and friendship in school. Keep it up… But, consider… What do your friends see in you? Do you offer support to others? Do you challenge stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination? What do these words mean? Does it really matter if somebody is a bit different from you? Do not forget that everyone at The Stephen Longfellow Academy is here to get extra support.
Think…? Can we be even better as a school? How are you going to be a good friend this week? How are you going to support your form and the people in your class? What can you do to make somebodies time in school more enjoyable?
Reward… This weeks top form is…