The Dewey Decimal System Why Dewey? The Dewey Decimal System
The Dewey Decimal Classification System is a way of putting Non-fiction books and other library resources (like videos) in order so that they can be easily located. What’s Non-fiction? Non-fiction materials are not made up. They are filled with facts or real things about people, places, animals, and events.
Why is the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC) Important? The DDC tells you where to find books in the library. The DDC tells you about the general subject of the book.
He Invented the Dewey Decimal System Meet Melvil Dewey He Invented the Dewey Decimal System Born December 10, 1851 Melvil Dewey was an educator at the age of 17 Invented the Dewey Decimal System at age 21
How are the books organized? The Dewey Decimal System is composed of 10 categories, which are broken into smaller and smaller areas. ALL libraries have these same 10 categories! Each category is assigned numbers known as classification numbers or Dewey Numbers.
000 - 099 General Reference What is General Reference? Biographies Books about books Manuscripts Encyclopedias Reference Books
100 - 199 Philosophy & Psychology Feelings Making Friends Superstitions Ethics Logic Mortality Man thinks about himself.
200 - 299 Religion Bible Stories Buddhism Christianity Judaism Islam Other world religions Man thinks about God.
300 - 399 Social Sciences Careers Customs Environment Families Folktales Government Manners Money Recycling Man thinks about other people.
400 - 499 Language Chinese English French German Spanish Sign Language Includes dictionaries Man learns to communicate with others through words.
500 - 599 Natural Sciences & Mathematics Animals Biology Chemistry Dinosaurs Fish Geology Insects Planets Plants Man learns to understand nature on the land, in the sea, and in the sky.
600 - 699 Technology (Applied sciences) Computers Cookbooks Engineering Farming Health Human Body Inventions Manufacturing Nutrition Man learns to make all the things people use such as: medicine, planting crops, cooking food, and building structures.
700 - 799 The Arts Architecture Crafts Drawing Games Jokes Music Puppets Songbooks Sports Man learns to paint pictures, make music, dance, and play games.
800 - 899 Literature & Rhetoric Children's Literature Plays Poetry Shakespeare Writing Man puts thoughts into writing for all people to read.
900 - 999 Geography & History Biographies Countries Native Americans States Travel Wars Man writes about people, places and events.
Website Classified by the Dewey Decimal System on the Web Need to find websites on particular subjects? Go to for a listing of websites classified by the Dewey Decimal System
Using Destiny Quest Destiny Quest is an Online Public Access Catalog Replaced the card catalog systems. How to use Destiny Quest:
And There You Have It! Now you can search for any book on any subject in any library you visit! Activity: Use Destiny Quest to complete Scavenger Hunt Good READING!
References Created by: Karen A. Wilson; purchased by Mrs. Walker through Teachers Pay Teachers. Melvil dewey image. Retrieved on March 17, 2008 from Melvil%20Dewey.jpg A story about the dewey decimal system of classification. Retrieved on March 17, 2008 from Dewey decimal system. Retrieved on March 17, 2008 from “Do we” really know dewey? Retrieved on March 17, 2008 from Information literacy library media skills. Retrieved on March 17, 2008 from DeweyDecimal/sld002.htm