Nuclear Data Evaluation Keiichi SHIBATA Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Contents View of cross sections Light, medium and heavy nuclei How to evaluate cross sections Measurements Theories Data format ENDF Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Cross Section of Light Nucleus Er=7.459 MeV J=5/2- state of 7Li 1/v shape JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Level Energies JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Cross Section of Medium Nucleus JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Cross Section of Heavy Nucleus Resolved resonances JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Evaluated Data Data source Measurements Theories Most probable data set Specified format Evaluated nuclear data library JENDL, ENDF, JEF, and so on Application Transport calculation Neutron flux determination JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Physical Quantities Cross section (E) Angular distribution d/d Energy distribution d/dE ’ Double differential cross section d2/dE ’d Resonance parameters Number of emitted neutrons in fission Fission product yield Covariances JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Flow of Data Evaluation Collection of measurements - data selection Evaluation - fit to measurements - nuclear model calculations Library - a specified format - format, physics check Processed library - group structure Benchmark tests - comparison with integral exp JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Evaluation Based on Measurements Most important, but sometimes discrepant and incomplete Data selection Accuracy Resolution Standard Lest-squares fit GMA code Spline function JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Data Source CINDA Computer Index of Neutron Data References to measurements, calculations, and evaluations Issued by IAEA CD-ROM available from IAEA EXFOR Experimental data base Available from NEA DB, IAEA NDS, US NNDC, Russian NDC JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Four Centers Network USA, Canada OECD countries except USA and Canada NNDC BNL NEA Data Bank NDC Obninsk CIS countries NDS IAEA Other countries JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai CINDA Retrieval Data taken from NNDC, BNL FE-54:Quantity Energy range Lab Reference/Comments (n,p) Fast ANL Expt Jour ANE 23 877 9607 Meadows+ ACT AT LANL,JAERI.IAEA CRP. Fast ANL Expt Conf INDC(NDS)-286 9311 Meadows+ P13. BE(D,N) SPC. SPSDD. Fast ANL Expt Data EXFOR13586.022 9607 .1 PT. SIGMA, D-BE SPC AVG. (n,p) 3.0+6 2.0+7 FEI Theo Jour YK 1995 2 41 9604 Shubin+OPTMOD CALC,CFD, GRPH (n,p) 1.0+8 UPP ExTh Jour NP/A 599 185 9603 Olsson+MSD FKK TUL TSL CYCLOTRON 1.0+8 UPP ExTh Data EXFOR00000. 9603 OLSSON+ (GRAPHS GIVEN) (n,p) 9.2+6 1.5+7 PTB Expt Prog INDC(GER)-040 9607 Mannhart+ACTIV C.S. CV28 CYCLOTRON (n,p) 1.5+7 JAE Expt Jour ANE 23 877 9611 Meadows+.ACTIV.TBL,GRPH CFD ANL+OTHS 1.5+7 JAE Expt Conf INDC(NDS)-286 9311 Meadows+.P13.SUPERSEDED BY ANE 23 (n,p) 1.5+6 2.0+7 FEI Revw Rept INDC(CCP)-397 9706 Manokhin.EXAMPLE OF SYSTEMATICS,GRPH 1.5+6 2.0+7 FEI Eval Jour YK 1996 2 73 9612 Manokhin.SYSTEMATIC, CFD EXPT, GRPH (n,p) 1.5+7 ALG Theo Jour ARI 49 1497 9807 Belgaid+.SEMI-EMPIR SYSTEMAT.TBL SIG JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Influence of New Measurements JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Procedures Selection of data, elimination of data having large errors and/or lying outside the bulk of data read original papers and determine statistical and systematic errors time-consuming!! Modification of data if necessary renormalization to standards Fitting or “eye-guide” JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Least-squares Fit JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Eye Guide JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Evaluation Based on Theories Important for the energy region and reaction where measurements are not available No theory which can cover the whole energy range 10-5 eV to 20 MeV Model parameters needed JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Nuclear Reactions JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Resonance Theory Useful in the low energy region Breit-Wigner formula G. Breit and E.P. Wigner Phys. Rev., 49, 519 (1936). Resonance parameters E’, n, x should be evaluated for each J and L. Reich-Moore formula C.W. Reich and M.S. Moore Phys. Rev., 111, 929 (1958) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Resonance Cross Sections 235U(n,f) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Compilation of Resonance Parameters S.F. Mughabghab et al.: “Neutron Cross Sections, Vol. 1, Part A, Z=1-60”, Academic Press (1981). S.F. Mughabghab: “Neutron Cross Sections, Vol. 1, Part B, Z=61-100”, Academic Press (1984) S.I. Sukhoruchkin et al.: “Low Energy Neutron Physics”, Landolt-Börnstein (1998) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Resonance Parameters Mughabghab’s books E , n , , f for each L and J Thermal cross sections Resonance integrals Scattering radius Neutron separation energy JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Optical Model Schrödinger equation potential: U = -V - iW total cross section, elastic scattering cross section, compound formation cross section Woods-Saxon type Leading to complex processes JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Optical Model Parameters Search for parameters Global parameters 6Li to 16O, Ein=10 - 50 MeV A.B. Watson et al.: Phys. Rev., 182, 997 (1969). A > 40, Ein < 50 MeV F.D. Becchetti, G.W. Greenlees: Phys. Rev., 182, 1190 (1969). A > 40, Ein < 15 MeV D. Wilmore, P.E. Hodgson: Nucl. Phys., 55, 673 (1964). A > 40, Ein < 1 MeV P.A. Moldauer: Nucl. Phys., 47, 65 (1963). A > 53, Ein = 10-80 MeV R.L. Walter, P.P. Guss: Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Data for Basic and Applied Science, Santa Fe 1985, p.1079 (1986). JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Compilation of Optical Model Parameters C.M. Perey, F.G. Perey: Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 17, 1 (1976). Compilation for various incident particles (1954 - 1975) IAEA: “Handbook for Calculations of Nuclear Reaction Data - Reference Input Parameter Library-”, IAEA-TECDOC-1034 (1998) CD-ROM available JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Optical Model Calculation JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Direct Process (1) Distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) inelastic scattering (n,d), (n,t), etc. input parameters optical model parameters nuclear deformation, spectroscopic factors G.R. Satchler: Nucl. Phys., 55, 1 (1964). JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Direct Process (2) Coupled-channel methods Coupled equations Collective excitation rotational band phonon excitation Useful for evaluation of deformed nuclei such as actinides T. Tamura: Rev. Mod. Phys., 37, 679 (1965). JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Statistical Model Hauser-Feshbach theory No correlation among resonances T: calculated from the optical model Discrete and continuum levels Input parameters Optical model Level scheme Level density parameters W. Hauser, H. Feshbach: Phys. Rev., 87, 366 (1952). JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Pre-equilibrium Model Semi-classical approach Exciton model Intra-nuclear cascade Quantum mechanical approach Multistep direct and multistep compound processes Quantum molecular dynamics Simulation E. Gadioli, P.E. Hodgson: Pre-equilibrium Nuclear Reactions (Oxford University Press, 1992) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Model Calculations Optical model DWBA (n,n’) Compound (Equilibrium) Pre-equilibrium JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Nuclear Model Codes Optical model ELIESE-3 SCAT-2 Statistical model CASTHY GNASH (pre-eq. included) TNG (pre-eq. included) STAPRE (pre-eq. included) ALICE (pre-eq. included) EXIFON (pre-eq. included) DWBA DWUCK-4,-5 Coupled channels ECIS JUPITOR JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Theories for Light Nuclei R-matrix : resonance analyses Faddeev theory: 3-body n-2H JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Fission Cross Sections Difficult to predict theoretically Based on measurements Simultaneous evaluation for JENDL-3.3 above 30 keV U-233,-235,-238, Pu-239,-240,-241 Absolute and ratio measurements were taken into account. Least-squares fit with covariances JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Data Format (ENDF) V. McLane et al.(Ed.): “Data Formats and Procedures for the Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF-6”, BNL-NCS-44945-01/04-Rev. (2001) format manual Available from BNL/NNDC or IAEA/NDS by internet JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai ENDF Format (1) File 1 (MF1) general information p, d File 2 (MF2) resolved and unresolved resonance parameters File 3 (MF3) cross sections File 4 (MF4) angular distributions of secondary particles JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai ENDF Format (2) File 5 (MF5) energy distributions of secondary particles File 6 (MF6) product energy-angle distributions replaces Files 4 and 5 JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai ENDF Format (3) File 7 (MF7) thermal scattering law data File 8 (MF8) radioactive decay and fission product yield data File 9 (MF9) multiplicities for production of radioactive nuclides File 10 (MF10) cross sections for production of radioactive nuclides used for activation files JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai ENDF Format (4) Files 12 to 15 (MF12 - 15) gamma-ray production data not presented in MF6 multiplicities, production cross sections, angular distributions, energy distributions Files 30 to 35 (MF30 - 35) covariances resonance parameters, cross sections, angular distributions, energy distributions JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Example (MF3) * Case-1 Linear-Linear Interpolation 9.22350+ 4 2.33025+ 2 0 0 0 09228 3 1 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 1 39228 3 1 3 2 0 0 0 09228 3 1 1.00000+ 0 1.00000+ 2 1.00000+ 1 9.10000+ 1 1.00000+ 2 1.00000+ 09228 3 1 9228 3 0 9228 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 ** Case-2 Log-Log Interpolation (1/v-shape) 3 5 0 0 0 09228 3 1 1.00000+ 0 1.00000+ 2 1.00000+ 1 3.16228+ 1 1.00000+ 2 1.00000+ 09228 3 1 MAT MF MT E1 σ1 E2 σ2 E3 σ3 Interpolation JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Interpolation (case-1) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Interpolation (case-2) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Utility Codes CRECTJ edits ENDF files CHECKR format checking FIZCON simple physics checking PSYCHE more complicated physics check EVALPLOT plot evaluated data COMPLOT graphical comparison of data JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Pre-processing Codes LINEAR linearize cross sections RECENT process resonance parameters SIGMA1 Doppler broaden cross sections GROUPIE produce group averages JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library General Purpose JENDL-3.3, released in 2002, 337 nuclides, E = 10-5 eV to 20 MeV Special Purpose JENDL (α,n) Reaction Data File 2003, 13 nuclides JENDL FP Decay Data File 2000, 1229 nuclides JENDL Dosimetry File 99, 67 reactions, 47 nuclides JENDL Fusion File 99, 92 nuclides, fusion neutronics JENDL Activation Cross Section File 96, 1246 reactions, 233 nuclides JENDL Gas-Production Cross Section File 91, 23 nuclides, H-, He-gas production JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
History of JENDL General Purpose File Version JENDL-1 JENDL-2 JENDL-3.1 JENDL-3.2 JENDL-3.3 Purpose FBR LWR, FBR General Year 1977 1982 1990 1994 2002 Max. Energy 15 MeV 20 MeV No. of Nuclides* 66+6 173+8 305+19 318+22 335+2 Gamma production 59 66 114 Covariance 1 20 DDX 60 * no. of isotopes + no. of natural elements JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Documents for JENDL-3.3 K. Shibata et al.: “Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Version 3 Revision-3: JENDL-3.3,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 39, 1125 (2002). T. Nakagawa et al.: “Curves and Tables of Neutron Cross Sections in JENDL-3.3,” JAERI-Data/Code 2002-20 (2002). K. Shibata: “Descriptive Data of JENDL-3.3,” JAERI-Data/Code 2002-026 (2002). JENDL-3.3 CD-ROM available on request Numerical data and graphs JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
Databases Based on JENDL-3.3 FSXLIB-J33 for MCNP-4C, distributed by RIST MATXSLIB-J33, distributed by RIST ORIGEN2 library, to be distributed by RIST MVP SRAC JAERI Fast Set Contact JAERI Reactor Physics Group JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Ongoing Projects Special Purpose Files JENDL High Energy File High energy accelerator shielding & ADS En,p < 3 GeV JENDL Photonuclear Data File Accelerator shielding Eγ<140 MeV JENDL PKA/KERMA File Radiation damage JENDL Actinide File Transmutation JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai High Energy Data (n + 238U) JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai Photonuclear Data JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai A Plan for JENDL-4 Development of innovative reactors High burn-up and use of MOX for LWR Criticality safety with burn-up credit Medical use, astrophysics A library with high quality and reasonable quantity A unified system including reactor constants Quality assurance Standard library in Japan JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai
JENDL-4: A Database Supporting Next Generation of Nuclear Energy JAERI Nuclear Data Center - Tokai