Introduction to Middle School Elm City Middle School Vikings
Ms. Grissom: Your School Counselor Schedule student classes Encourage student attendance Teach students to be organized Help students solve problems Work to stop bullying and empower students to feel safe Mediate positive relationships with peers and teachers Listen to students who are sad, angry, or upset Inform students about proper dress, speech & social skills Support students to perform their best in school Make sure EVERYONE knows “YOU MATTER!”
Our Principal: Mr. Pope
Our Assistant Principal: Ms. Green
Technology Facilitator: Mrs. Patterson Chromebooks @ ECMS Technology Facilitator: Mrs. Patterson
How is Middle School Different? You will change classes more often. You may have a locker! You have more teachers! You will have 4 exploratory classes; 2 on A days and 2 on B days.
Everyone takes 4 core classes plus PE & computer. Art, General Music, Band, and Chorus Register for 6Th grade! Everyone takes 4 core classes plus PE & computer. You choose 2 more exploratory classes!
Registration forms Available on school website / guidance page. Choose your classes! Get parent’s signature. Turn in to your homeroom teacher by the deadline. If you forget, you will be assigned classes with an available seat. Rank your choices 1-3! Choice 3 will be your alternate. Email with questions. Under schools tab, select ECMS. Select “Guidance” from left column. Select “Forms” from the top. Select “6th grade registration form” Questions? Email Ms. Grissom @