Birth of A New Nation…Again! Unit 2: The Constitution
Setting the Scene: Call for Reform September of 1786 Hamilton and Madison call for a meeting to discuss issues. Only 5 states show up. Reschedule meeting. Shay’s Rebellion All but 1 state sent representatives to Philadelphia.
Constitutional Convention Met in May of 1787 Named Washington President. Most recognized the need for change. With in 5 days scrap the Articles. Recognized the need for a STRONGER central government
Think-Pair-Share: Current Events Take out the article you read at home. What is the text, context, and subtext of the problem? Is there something else motivating the debate? Please try identify the root cause of the problem. Examples: Obamacare, the economy, education, etc.
The 6 Ideas that have shaped our country “A Government Big enough to give everything you want is big enough to take everything you have” Then… Limited Government Republicanism Checks and Balances Federalism Separation of Powers Popular Sovereignty Do we see these ideas debated today? …And now
6 Ideas Shape Our Country Today
Let’s Get Ready to Rumble: The Main Issues at the Convention Representation Big States Small States Slavery Existence National Authority vs. State Authority
How Should we be Represented? Edmund Randolph James Madison Father of the Constitution Virginia Plan Three Branches of Gov’t. Bi Cameral House Both would be based on population. Proportional Representation Which states would vote for this plan and why?
…Whoa Not so Fast William Paterson New Jersey Plan New Jersey Delegate Unicameral House Equal number of representatives. Expand Congress’s power Right to tax Elect an executive. Why did the delegates decide to use the Virginia Plan. The New Jersey plan did not contain solutions to the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. This system continued the system established under the national government. The national government represented the states rather then the people.
The Connecticut Compromise Rodger Sherman Delegate from Conn. The Great Compromise Bi-Cameral Congress One house based on population. One house had equal representation
Everyone was has natural rights… Who should be counted as part of the population? Unity vs. Ideology 3/5ths compromise Representation Taxes Slave Trade could not be touched until 1808 Fugitive Slave Clause
The Doom’s Day Clock is Set! “religion and humanity have nothing to do with this slavery question. Interest alone is the governing principle of nations” Carolinas and Georgia Guaranteed protection Slave Trade protected 1808 DOOM’S DAY CLOCK begins to tick