Oral Presentation Advice & Tips
#1 Be Heard VOLUME Speak loudly (but don’t shout) If there is a microphone available use it (even if you have a loud voice) Project your voice.
#2 Speak Clearly Say Each Word Clearly Be sure to use clear and careful pronunciation. Don’t mumble or speak low.
#3 Eye Contact Look at the Audience Be sure to look at the people when you are talking to them. Don’t look at the floor or your hands. It’s ok to glance at you notes a bit, but not for too long.
#4 Gestures Body Language Use your body to help make your points. You might use hand gestures, facial expressions, or move around a bit (if allowed).
#5 Stay on Topic Be On Topic Make sure you presentation is about the required topic. Read the presentation instructions carefully.
#6 Give Examples Use Examples Give examples to help make your points. Use statistics if available.
#7 Start/End Well Be Polite/Friendly Be polite and start off with a friendly greetings like “Good morning/afternoon”. End with a “Thank you for your listening to my presentation”.
#8 Timing Know the Time Limit Be sure you know how long the presentation should be. Be sure to speak long enough, but don’t go over time.
#9 Proper Speed Speed Don’t speak too fast. Use pauses after important points. Try to speak naturally, not like a robot.
#10 Smile & Have Fun Smile Every now and then smile at the audience to make a connection. Try to relax, or look relaxed.
Other Ideas?
The End