The future of distance librarianship in changing organizations
Bill Denny, California University of Pennsylvania Kate Adams, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Samantha Hines, University of Montana Kathleen Citro, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Mary Anne Hansen, Montana State University Libraries Sheila Bonnand, Montana State University Libraries Amy Hofer, Portland State University Stefanie Buck, Oregon State University
Assistant Professor Distance Learning/Government Documents Librarian California University of Pennsylvania Adjunct Associate Professor University of Maryland University College Teach UCSP 611
Cal U Global Online: * 3 undergraduate degrees * 3 undergraduate certificates * 5 graduate certificates * 17 graduate degrees more under development * 4 Post-masters certificates * Superintendent Letter of Eligibility * K-12 Administrative Program for Principals (certification only and masters program) * 2000 students Off-Campus Centers: Southpointe
Educational Leadership & Administration Exercise Science & Sport Studies Health Science Justice, Law, & Society Nursing Professional Studies
Arab Language & Culture Early Childhood Education Advanced Studies in Secondary Education English as a Second Language National Board Certification Preparation for Elementary Teachers STEM Education Technology Education Spanish for Business & Law Enforcement
Distance, Graduate, and Undergraduate Services Coordinator University of Nebraska-Lincoln
25,000 students, of which 6,000 are grad students Distance library services program since 1990, reaching students in masters programs in engineering and masters and doctoral programs in educational administration
2 doctoral 25 masters 8 graduate certificates 3 undergrad certificates 9 endorsements online degree completion dual enrollment with high schools
Serves as resource person to the university, distance faculty, distance students, and within the library Sends messages to distance students about library resources for their academic discipline/dept at start of semester; information about Subject Librarians is included Presents to annual Summer Institute for Online Teaching to faculty & grad students who will teach distance/online
Subject Librarians provide reference assistance, do consultations, and develop LibGuides. Some have web pages, others are in BlackBoard Varies by discipline
Office of Online & Distance Education is the new name for Extended Education & Outreach The University plans to increase student population by 5,000 by 2017 Doing this with more blended & online courses as well as distance Our decentralized approach will be modified
Professor/Reference Librarian Montana State University Libraries Reference Librarian Montana State University Libraries
Associate Director for Reference/Worldwide Library Services Hunt Library, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Integrated Model All reference librarians staff both the physical reference desk and virtual reference desk Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the worlds largest, fully accredited university specializing in aviation and aerospace, is a nonprofit, independent institution offering more than 40 baccalaureate, masters and Ph.D. degree programs in its colleges of Arts and Sciences, Aviation, Business and Engineering. Embry-Riddle educates students at residential campuses in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Prescott, Ariz., and through the Worldwide Campus with more than 150 locations in the United States, Europe, Asia, Canada and the Middle East. Introduction: Worldwide Library Services was previously a separate university department which did not report to the Hunt Library. In 1997, the stand-alone library services department became part of the Hunt Library. The first change was to integrate all the reference librarians. The Daytona Beach Reference Librarians were trained to do Worldwide reference and vice versa. Pros: Librarians get to know the collections better because they serve both groups of students/faculty/staff. Librarians are exposed to a wider variety of students. Librarians have subject interaction with faculty on the Daytona Beach campus which can assist in providing Worldwide reference. Randomness of patrons allow for a shared workload (i.e. no one librarian generally gets stuck with all hard questions). Greater collaboration amongst librarians for the complicated questions we get through Worldwide. Larger staff to ensure service points coverage; since librarians are cross-trained, service point substitutions is seamless. Librarians still have face-to-face interaction since they staff the physical Daytona Beach Campus service points. As a whole, the library is a better library due to the inclusion of the distance students needs. All virtual students receive robust, seamless assistance. Cons: At our institution, from a staffing perspective, there are no cons. Kathleen Citro, Associate Director for Reference/Worldwide Library Services Hunt Library, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Integrated Model All reference librarians staff both the physical reference desk and virtual reference desk Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the worlds largest, fully accredited university specializing in aviation and aerospace, is a nonprofit, independent institution offering more than 40 baccalaureate, masters and Ph.D. degree programs in its colleges of Arts and Sciences, Aviation, Business and Engineering. Embry-Riddle educates students at residential campuses in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Prescott, Ariz., and through the Worldwide Campus with more than 150 locations in the United States, Europe, Asia, Canada and the Middle East. Introduction: Worldwide Library Services was previously a separate university department which did not report to the Hunt Library. In 1997, the stand-alone library services department became part of the Hunt Library. The first change was to integrate all the reference librarians. The Daytona Beach Reference Librarians were trained to do Worldwide reference and vice versa. Pros: Librarians get to know the collections better because they serve both groups of students/faculty/staff. Librarians are exposed to a wider variety of students. Librarians have subject interaction with faculty on the Daytona Beach campus which can assist in providing Worldwide reference. Randomness of patrons allow for a shared workload (i.e. no one librarian generally gets stuck with all hard questions). Greater collaboration amongst librarians for the complicated questions we get through Worldwide. Larger staff to ensure service points coverage; since librarians are cross-trained, service point substitutions is seamless. Librarians still have face-to-face interaction since they staff the physical Daytona Beach Campus service points. As a whole, the library is a better library due to the inclusion of the distance students needs. All virtual students receive robust, seamless assistance. Cons: At our institution, from a staffing perspective, there are no cons. Kathleen Citro, Associate Director for Reference/Worldwide Library Services Hunt Library, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Head, Mansfield Library at the College of Technology Distance Education Coordinator University of Montana
How are roles changing now that distance/online are blurring? Do we still need a distinction between distance/subject librarians? What makes us unique, special anymore? Where there is a distinction, how do we collaborate? What are our roles? How can we market our library services to distance education students and faculty?
Thank you! Bill Denny, Samantha Hines, Sheila Bonnand, Mary Anne Hansen, Kate Adams, Kathleen Citro, Stefanie Buck, Amy Hofer,