President address 27 November 2017 PMI-MCAC Professional Development Day 2017 Capital Leadership for the 21st Century President address 27 November 2017
PDD 2017 WOW! I am so please to see all of you here! First let me say Welcome and Thank you for being here today! I want to introduce our Board members This amazing event would not have been possible without the help work and effort of all the volunteers and our sponsors!! introduce all ASPE/TEKsystems, RMC, Dewpoint and Allegra Who did all our marketing material
Michigan Capital Area Chapter of PMI Vison for our future Grow our Chapter membership Capitalize on our geographical Area Exhibit professionalism Engage in our community Welcome diversity President : Gabrielle B Haskins, PMP Introduce our Board the president and our vision of the future
Retool Recharge Reenergize 21St Century-Capital leadership Your Ticket to a great leadership Skill set Retool Recharge Reenergize Agile Bootcamp Mission to Mars PMO Quizzes Local C-Level Execs panel 6 Major local industries workshop PM Leadership tools: PPM Risk Finance
We found our passion and shared You showed up ! Ready to have fun! We found our passion and shared We got involved Worked as a team
Let’s do great things together!