The Community Multicultural Awareness Program (CMAP) The Community Multicultural Awareness Program (CMAP) has been created to attempt to bridge the gap between predominately mono-cultural Lithuania (83.45% Lithuanians) and a multicultural Europe. High school students learn about different countries around the world by meeting a diverse group of LCC students from different geographic regions of the world. By using role plays and interactive activities, participants are challenged to confront stereotypes in their own lives and within Lithuania. The purpose of this multicultural education is to promote tolerance by educating young adults on how to lead educational seminars in their high schools. Themes: Intercultural Dialogue Diversity Multiculturalism Tolerance Education World View Discussions Prepared by Gintarė Jasiūnaitė IIC Palangos Senoji Gymnasium 2017
Stereotypes around the world
What stereotype is? Stereotype is an oversimlplified idea or image about certain group of people that is widely accepted by others.
Examples of national stereotypes All white Americans are obese, lazy. All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists. All Jews are greedy. All Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes. Spaniards are lazy.
Other stereotype examples Stereotypes can occur within different ethnic groups, social classes, opposite gender. Lower class people are uneducated. All blonde women are dumb. All politicians think only of personal gain and benefit. Women do not drive well. However the common ones are racial stereotypes and gender stereotypes. Race, nationality, gender and sexual orientation are the main factors of stereotyping.
Why do stereotypes occur? Due to the lack of the knowledge about the other groups, cultures... Stereotypes arise as a way of explaining the differences between cultures, groups.
„I saw this on a TV“
What makes a stereotype? Appearance – this can include physical appearance and clothing, as well as the sound of the voice. Behaviour – typical things that people are assumed to do in this group. Attitude – stereotypes can be assumpsions about the way a group is perceived as thinking – the attitudes they hold towards certain situations.