Trioctahedral Layer
T-O-T-O Chlorite Trioctahedral: = Talc + Brucite Chlorite (Mg,Al)3(OH)6Mg3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2 = Talc + Brucite Al substitution in Tetrahedral layer gives the talc layer a negative charge and Al, Fe, Cr etc. in the brucite layer gives it a net positive charge.
Trioctahedral Chlorite Clinochlore (Mg5Al)(AlSi3)O10(OH)8 Chamosite (Fe5Al)(AlSi3)O10(OH)8 Pennantite (Mn5Al)(AlSi3)O10(OH)8 Dioctahedral Very few known
Chlorite Occurrences
Chlorite Occurrences
Chlorite Occurrences Altered mafic igneous Rocks (Ocean Crust) High Mg content
Chlorite Polytypes