Poseidon is the God of the sea.
Poseidon’s weapon. Poseidon’s weapon is a tridant.
Poseidon’s powers Poseidon can walk under water. He can also breath under water. He can summon water currents. and He can create water horses for him self.
Poseidon’s pets and family. Poseidon’s pet is a water horse. Poseidon is one of the three brothers to have survived Crones. His brothers are Zeus and Hades.
Poseidon’s personality. Poseidon is a mean jealous revenge thirsty God. He is revengeful because his farther tried to eat him and his two brothers Hades and Zeus.
Poseidon’s farther is Cronus. This is Cronus. Cronus used to eat children.
Poseidon had 7 kids there names were. Atlas Neleus Tritron Agenor Belus Polyphemus Thefeus