APHuG Question of the Day What continent are blueberries indigenous to? Bonus: Which are the top 5 blueberry producing states in the U.S.?
QOTD Tie-in: Blueberries Indigenous to North America Native Americans dried ‘starberries’ in the sun, added them whole to soups, stews and meat, and crushed them into a powder to use on meat as a preservative. Sautauthig – blueberry pudding Cultivation in early 1900s in New Jersey Grown in North America April - October, grown in South America November - March. Transport costs in winter cause price increase. Trademarking of agricultural product health benefits, smoothie culture
1st “Law” of Geography 1st - “Everything is related to everything else but near things are more related than distant things” – Waldo Tobler (distance decay) Time-space compression’s effects on distance decay – David Harvey (pg. 103-104 textbook) How far would you all walk?
2nd “Law” of Geography 2nd - the “Why of Where” Why, where, and how do we get blueberries from Chile in the Winter? Chile’s advanced Mediterranean wine and fruit industry - free market reforms under A. Pinochet (and brutal repression of dissenters) - free trade partnerships and linkage to global markets - favorable business climate, strongest sovereign bond rating in South America