PLAN OF THE LESSON Theme of the lesson: What’s this?
Demonstrative pronouns: this, that. Grammar: 45 minutes Approximate time: cards, tables, computer, Interactive board. Visual aids:
Literature "English" by Ayapova. Level: 5 th form
Warm up: I’ll ask quick questions using the material of the previous lesson. Where is Niva(Lada, Ford, Fiat,etc.) from? Where is London?(Moscow, Rome,Almaty,etc) Where are you from?
The 19th of October What’s this? Бұл не?
Objectives: а b c Оқушылардың білімге құштарлығын арттыру, оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін дамыту. Жаңа лексикалық сөздермен жұмыс істеу, «Бұл не?» сұрағының сөйлемде қолданылуына жаттығу жұмыстарын жүргізу а b Оқушылардың коммуникативтік құзыреттілігін арттыру, сөйлеу, тыңдап-түсіну, оқу, жазу қабілеттіліктерін дамыту. c
Head, shoulders, knees and toes Organization moment Greeting with pupils. I . Head, shoulders, knees and toes Eyes, ears, mouth, nose
Class work II Today we have got an unusual lesson. We will talk about speaking, listening and writing. There are a lot of vocabulary.
Ex: 2 A pencil A ruler A pen A book A rubber A table A notebook A chair A calculator A computer қарандаш сызғыш қалам кітап өшіргіш үстел дәптер орындық калькулятор компьютер
Listen and point 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ex: 1 Thirty five Thirty one Thirty two Thirty three Thirty four 36 37 38 39 40 Thirty six Thirty seven Thirty eight Thirty nine Forty
Ex: 3 Carol: Hello, Colin. Colin. Hello Carol. Carol: Is it a pencil? Colin: No, it isn’t. it’s a pen. Carol: What’s that? Colin: It’s a calculator.
Remember! What’s that? – Анау не? What’s this? - Бұл не?
Look at the pictures, write numbers in the boxes and read. Ex: 4 9 2 8 6 5 4 1 3 7 10 4 A pen a computer a table a notebook a calculator a chair a rubber a ruler a book a pencil
Ex: 5 Ex: 6 Ex: 7 Carol: What’s this? Colin: It’s a pen. - What’s that? - It’s a … . Ex: 7
Ex: 8 Orange Black Brown Green Violet Blue Yellow Grey White Red Сарғыш Қара Қоңыр Жасыл Күлгін Көк Сары Сұр Ақ Қызыл
F I A H G J D B C Ex: 9 Brown H Orange Yellow Black Violet Green Blue Grey White Red
Home work Ex: 10 Ex: 11 Carol: What’s colour is your pen? Colin: It’s black and white. - What’s colour is your bag? - It’s a …. Ex: 11
Thank you for your attention!